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Skins reverting back to old ones (v1.6.0.1)

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Around 1:30 AM (UTC/GMT -4)

Currently installed version:

v1.6.0.1, with dayz_code_v1.5.6 files (briefly)

Server I was on:


Where I was:

Just above Cherno, near the power relay station.

What happened:

The skin of my character briefly turned back to the bandit skin, and then ended up being a male as a new character, while I had chosen female after the last update.

What I was doing:

First off, THIS IS ENTIRELY MY FAULT. HOWEVER, I HAD NO INTENTION OF EXPLOITING A BUG to revert back to the default skin. Actually, I wish my character was still a woman.

I wanted to find a temporary fix to the tent pitching problem.

BEFORE the modifications:

So I searched the internet for a temporary fix. I found this thread: http://dayzmod.com/forum/showthread.php?tid=5516&page=2

“defic” suggested using the version 1.5.6 of dayz_code files, pitching the tent somewhere on the desired server, updating the files to the most recent ones, and logging back into the server. “BelgarionNL” even confirmed that it worked.

I tried. I downloaded the dayz_code_v1.5.6 files and replaced the dayz_code_v1.6.0.1 files with them.

AFTER the modifications:

When I logged in with that previous version, I had the bandit skin on, replacing the female skin I had chosen. I found the spot I wanted my tent to be… but could not find how to put it down… So I gave up.

When I logged back in with the version of dayz_code, I still had the bandit skin! After trying a few servers, I decided to kill my guy… along with all the stuff I had. I did not want to be considered a cheater for using unavailable skins.

When I generated a new character, my character had a male skin. Everything else seemed to be normal. So… that’s it. I wish I could undo it all.

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