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The idea kinda struck me when i was playing a while ago that the general atmosphere felt like the world itself was dying, espeacially in Cherno or Electro. The large industrial centers of the towns just screams hazards from anything like nuclear, biological, or chemical (NBC for short) decay. After realizing the potential of creating more hazards or "fear" from the environment aside from the zombies, infections, or PvPers, some inudustrial centers are always dangerous, and without constant up-keep they easily fall victim of decay. So keeping up with realism, (to a certain degree) i would think it would be interesting to add "Dead Zones" throughout the map areas that is dangerous to players with out some kind of protection (gas mask or something).

These areas wouldnt be massively large, just small areas to increase exploration for players, for example, a small area of cherno's industrial center, would be a Dead zone where people with out gas masks would suffer breathing issues, or could cause blood loss (similar to how the infections work) within these dead zones could be better loot, or certain things to repair vehicles etc.

another possibility would have a truck (military or civilian) wreaked on a road and it was seeping chemical waste, the truck was under armed guard by police or military. this would open the possibility of better weapons, or better gear.

Remember this is just a thought. I respect constructive criticism anything more then that is not necessary. If you like the idea, jot down a response, if not, say so maturely, or give constructive criticism on how to make it better.

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Guest ragequitalready


Edited by ragequitalready

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I think it would add an interesting aspect to the game, but the protective equipment would also have to be VERY rare. If it was an industrial area, maybe it could be like a hotspot for gas and jerry cans as well as vehicle parts. Like rotor assemblies and such. Maybe other protective gear as well. I also think that each of these areas should be heavy spawn for zombies too.

Maybe there could be a small bunker that housed chem weapons leftover from the Russians, and it would have military equipment and gear.

I agree with Doktor though. I think that this is something that should happen once it's out of Alpha.

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I absolutely agree, this idea is just more or less brainstorming. the're still bugs to be worked out with current mod as is. The gas masks or protective gear would be rare, but the loot within should be valuable for someone to risk their health or even life for it.

And even though it does sound like STALKER (haven't played the game but heard great things from others who have) the idea is that instead of just random areas being affected, its more rare to hit these areas (not being so many) but the areas should really only include areas that would be logical, ie industrial centers, road side wreaks hauling NBC-esque hazards. The areas should be chalk full of zombies, but no so much to deter even the grizzled vet from entering.

After the Alpha is done, and the main story developed (or if it still remains a mystery) the idea would make sense that industrial centers would be hazardous. but so far great additions and ideas

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To add on to my thought, some of these "Dead Zones" could be randomized, for example, one of the most common occurrence in industrial zones that have been abandoned are gas or fume leaks. These leaks may happen randomly within a given area, and then clear up after the initial pressure has fallen. These leaks would happen once in awhile, not every 30 seconds in a new area. anyone caught in it have an X amount of time to evacuate the area before they experience symptoms.

These leaks may produce sound to alert the player they are happening, and in due attract zombies to the area (either by spawn or them running/shambling to the area to investigate). The road side Dead zones (along with a few in-city ones) would be fixed and being so, rare. these areas would be hotspots for valuable loot like weapons or supplies, while the randomized ones could be used purely for suspense or to keep players from camping one area whether be carebares, or PvPers.

Im not a programmer, so i have no idea how this would be done within Arma's engine. But i would imagine past scripts of randomized IED's would help implement the randomized gas leaks so i would assume.

Ideas? Gripes? or concerns post a reply

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I think to do with Arma's engine, this could work very well when the game become standalone (as is planned) and the source can be changed, as then this could be implemented well. +1 for the idea though.

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