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Humanity Question

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So my character has the head garment, im guessing associated as a bandit. I dont have any murders, and I have administered blood transfusions, painkillers, morphine and bandaged people up. How am I supposed to remove this head garment to not look like a bandit?

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Humanity carries over after death.

  1. Administer blood transfusion/wait/apply bandage.
  2. Check humanity. Below 2,000?
  3. If yes, go to step 1. If no, check for bandit headwrap.
  4. If no headwrap, congratulations! If you still have a headwrap, go to bug report forum.

Edited by BazBake
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I cant get into a server and if so how do i check humanity?

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Humanity doesn't seem to have affected me at all. I was getting stalked by a weaponless fresh spawn blaring a song in direct communication. Shot him once in the head with a revolver, knocked him out cold, then emptied the rest of my ammo into him until the flies showed up. Turns out he stole some of my food/water and a jerry can. Humanity is at zero, no skin change from the default survivor skin.

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When I managed to get into a server it showed up on the debug monitor. So im good in that sense. So its 2000 humanity you say that differentiates good vs evil so to speak?

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