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Amaroq (DayZ)

Solution to recent endless loading

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Heya. Lately I had the problem of having endless load times on every server.

Turns out the problem was really stupid and stupidly easy to fix.

I've been launching through Steam, but using the six launcher to keep DayZ updated. I opened the six launcher today and it had no update, even though is out. (I was on

So I manually updated DayZ, tried joining the same server that I couldn't load before, and this time I loaded instantly. I was in-game in just a few seconds. It was the fastest load I've ever seen the entire time I've had DayZ.

So if you're having this problem, make sure you've updated to

Edited by Amaroq

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Version is actually a Pre-Release version. It isn't perfectly stable enough that Rocket allows SixLauncher to distribute it. So, if you install manually, then you launch SixLauncher, Six will overwrite with

A lot of people are rather derpy and don't recognize this is happening.

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