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Zordon (DayZ)

First encounter with a hacker

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I know people here have plenty of experiences with hackers but i tought it would be cool to share this story.

So i was looting some barn for weapons and food and found a Lee Enfield and some ammo, i was making my way out of the barn when suddenly the everything goes crazy in my screen and then i got teleported to the middle of a forest, and with me it was every goddamn person on the server, suddenly a guy wearing a bandit mask started shooting all over the place with a machine gun while busting a Justin Bieber song in the direct chat!

Everyone was running like crazy and shouting in the direct comm, i tried shoot at the hacker but i suppose he had something like "god mode" on.

Well this is the first time i saw a true hacker and despite being killed i had some good laughs.

PS: Sorry for any misspellings

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Last time I watched a livestream something like that happened too lol!

One thing I want to know: If a hacker teleports you into the air and you logout, what will happen if you join again?

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Similar story here except he removed all our items first, then teleported us all to field. I think we somehow managed to kill him, then the server crashed

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You can't play anymore with that mass of hackers. Everywhere. Anytime. You just get teleported and killed. With my survived days of 60 I can't play right now, because.. I don't know. Maybe it's too risky? :P

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I really hope you didn't have anything important on your charcter at that time. The exact same thing happend to me and my buddy the other day. Worst day in DayZ so far. I'd just spent 5 hours repairing a helicopter. After we filled the chopper with petrol we got teleported, and killed.

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Hello all! New to the forums but been playing for about 2 weeks now. Anyway, something similiar happened to me today also. I had just logged into a server, when I repawned on the beach west of Kamenka. That itself was weird because I had been at the Balota airfield when I logged out. Anyway, to top that off, I died almost right away after logging in. Weird too. I restarted, and managed to get all the way back to my body and was happy to find it intact with all my gear (as I had recently found the Coyote Backpack and a DMR you can guess how happy I was). Anyway, I tranferred all of my stuff and proceeded east towards Cherno going up into the woods above Kamenka (to bypass anything until Cherno). I managed to get just east of Kamenka, when suddenly, my DMR disappeared off of my back, and my 1911 had no ammo. I thought it was a glitch, and looked into my backpack to see if my rifle was there, and it wasn't. Nor was any of my ammo and just about eveything else was gone too. As I closed my inventory, I disappeared, for lack of a better word, then reappeared almost instaneously surrounded by several players. I am not sure of how many because they automatically started unloading into me. One of the weapons sounded like the gatiling gun from the movie Predator! I tried to quick abort before dying, but saw the green death pop-up just as I did. Now, it has been about an hour or so since it happened, and I cannot seem to log-in to any server. I mainly want to see if I still have any if my gear still, but it will not get passed the load screen (after it says "character setup complete). It hangs there. Does anyone have any suggestions on what to do? Or, will I just have to reinstall the game again? I am not sure what server this happened on BTW, but it happened around 3:15 pm EST on a GMT-8 server.

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Hello all! New to the forums but been playing for about 2 weeks now. Anyway, something similiar happened to me today also. I had just logged into a server, when I repawned on the beach west of Kamenka. That itself was weird because I had been at the Balota airfield when I logged out. Anyway, to top that off, I died almost right away after logging in. Weird too. I restarted, and managed to get all the way back to my body and was happy to find it intact with all my gear (as I had recently found the Coyote Backpack and a DMR you can guess how happy I was). Anyway, I tranferred all of my stuff and proceeded east towards Cherno going up into the woods above Kamenka (to bypass anything until Cherno). I managed to get just east of Kamenka, when suddenly, my DMR disappeared off of my back, and my 1911 had no ammo. I thought it was a glitch, and looked into my backpack to see if my rifle was there, and it wasn't. Nor was any of my ammo and just about eveything else was gone too. As I closed my inventory, I disappeared, for lack of a better word, then reappeared almost instaneously surrounded by several players. I am not sure of how many because they automatically started unloading into me. One of the weapons sounded like the gatiling gun from the movie Predator! I tried to quick abort before dying, but saw the green death pop-up just as I did. Now, it has been about an hour or so since it happened, and I cannot seem to log-in to any server. I mainly want to see if I still have any if my gear still, but it will not get passed the load screen (after it says "character setup complete). It hangs there. Does anyone have any suggestions on what to do? Or, will I just have to reinstall the game again? I am not sure what server this happened on BTW, but it happened around 3:15 pm EST on a GMT-8 server.

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Welp, I finally got back on to the game. Respawned at the airstrip with none of the gear I had before. A Coyote backpack, a DMR and 1911 as well as a buch of stuff gone.....ugh.

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Fortunately i didn´t lose anything important cause i was freshly spawned, but this is really annoying i can only imagine spending hours upon hours finding good loot, maybe fixing up a car or something and then have this shit happening.

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You just described a generic hacker encounter that most of us experience every day.

Prepare to experience this scenario again, a hundred more times, in the near future.

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First time in two weeks of playing this has happened to me. Maybe I am just lucky. Generic or not, it was definitely annoying and pissed me off.

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I know people here have plenty of experiences with hackers but i tought it would be cool to share this story.

So i was looting some barn for weapons and food and found a Lee Enfield and some ammo, i was making my way out of the barn when suddenly the everything goes crazy in my screen and then i got teleported to the middle of a forest, and with me it was every goddamn person on the server, suddenly a guy wearing a bandit mask started shooting all over the place with a machine gun while busting a Justin Bieber song in the direct chat!

Everyone was running like crazy and shouting in the direct comm, i tried shoot at the hacker but i suppose he had something like "god mode" on.

Well this is the first time i saw a true hacker and despite being killed i had some good laughs.

PS: Sorry for any misspellings

Today I was looting a office building then I got turned into a Cow. Really so I aborted the game and went into another server and all my equipment was gone except for my weapons. Even my backpack was gone.

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