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Vehicles are not saving at all

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I know its already been posted that vehicles and tents are not saving inventory but my vehicles are not saving at all.

It took about 10 days to get them to spawn in the first place and now they do not save on our server.

When vehicles started spawning we found 2 atv's, Truck, Bus a Vs3 and several bikes and since then a few of them disappear at a time when server reboots.

Its extremely frustrating to search ALL DAY for vehicles fixing them and such only to have them vanish the next time server reboots. As a clan we have each spent probably 6 days total trying to find vehicles for our clan and we either come up completely empty handed or it vanishes the next day.

I'm really starting to think i am completely wasting my time here.

3 weeks owning a server now and nothing to show for it whatsoever. We have basically no camp, no vehicles and clan members have completely lost interest in the game.

Tents and Vehicles need to be fixed or people will just give up and snipe each other all day...oh wait that's happened already, never mind.

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Yeah, I tried to warn people yesterday when that was happening to me but I guess it'll have to hit most of the players before anyone cares.

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My server has the same exact problem! I spend hours repairing a vehicle and spam save it to be sure. First time I restarted my server when I had the UAZ, but I assumed someone stole it as my friends motorcycle was still there at our camp. Second time I restarted the server, I had a S1203 van and saved it, but this time I was there to make sure and alas it was gone shortly after the restart. I would like to know whats wrong.

I was using and beta patch 95819 on my server, though I just upgraded the server to 95883.

Edited by shadow293

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Same - Restarted several times and our Huey, UAZ and ATV all disappeared and haven't returned and they're not in the regular spawn locations. / 95883

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It seems to be the new "patch" causing the problem

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It seems to be the new "patch" causing the problem

Seems so. The new patch did not even fix anything. Just made things worse.

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Seems so. The new patch did not even fix anything. Just made things worse.

Its an alpha, yes it an overused phrase but in this case more than appropriate.

I was in the BF3 alpha and beta and pretty much nothing changed and no bugs got taken care of, I cant even express my dissapointment at the console game excuse for Battlefield that got released. DayZ in like the month I have played has changed lots of things, fixed bugs, created bugs, gameplay features have come in and out and to top it off this is only the mod not even the stanalone game alpha, also not including the changes and fixes that had happened before I played.

If you dont want to test the patches then rollback to a stable version but dont bitch about bugs for the sake of it, report them and move on.

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Our bicycle is replaced by a motorbike and then the bicycle appears back at it's spawn on every restart.

It's extremely annoying, can't save the vehicles anywhere.

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