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Kill count, humanity stat getting reset all the time.

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Since yesterday when I updated to, I am having some weird thinks going on. The most noticeable is the kill count. Whenever I log in it's reset to 0. Including the humanity.

After the update I tried to reconnect to the server I was playing, which had a vehicle that I was about to hide. Since versions were different, I get the eternal loading screen and did force-quit. I tried then log into a updated server, but the moment I connected I spawned in the wildness and my character was dead. Strange because I could move freely and even took a screenshot.


I disconnected from the server and tried again. Now I was on the shore without nothing. Not even bandage nor flashlight. All gone, but my Coyote backpack, which is strange. Another weird thing was my kill count. It had all the previous life stats. Was I really dead?

Since I got a nice "hero" outfit and wanted to see the changes in the game, I didn't mind very much about having all my gear lost. So I played until Cherno. Then I noticed that my kill counts were 0 again!

I read on the forum that if you get killed by zombies and respawn, it does fix the problem. But I found a bus moments before suicide, and decided to try it too. Ended up I got killed by a hacker, who later took the bus (I really don't want to get into this subject). So, I got killed and respawn on the shore like everybody else.

I have been alive since, but my stats are reseting like crazy. I don't know what is happening!

Also, it seems I cannot save tents or vehicles, as they disappear from where I left them.

If anyone can help, I will be very thankful!

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