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FPS drops when aiming down iron sight

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As the title explains,

I'm experiencing fps drops when I aim down any gun's iron sight, it makes it really difficult to hit zombies with a crosshair, and even harder without one.

I'm not sure if there's any sort of fix to this or if it's just the game engine

My computer's specs are more than enough to handle this game on max.


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Could be server lag or just your lagging cuz u have a bad or not so good computer/Graphics card. turn ur settings to LOW!

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Could be server lag or just your lagging cuz u have a bad or not so good computer/Graphics card. turn ur settings to LOW!

Are you retarded or a terrible troll?


This has been a recurring error since I started playing.

Thanks to the mod who moved this by the way, was not sure where it went :P

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Welcome to ArmA :).

It's just how ArmA is sometimes.

It doesn't happen all the time, but it mostly only happens when you're looking towards a heavily populated/lots of forrest area.

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When you zoom in, the game has to load more details in that area at once. It has to swap models, textures, and detail to higher quality versions. When you zoom back out, all of that has to revert all at once.

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