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Banned on US 228, probably got the wrong guy.

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My Player name : Jeff (not very original, and probably the problem)

Time of ban : Between 2130 and 2200 MST approximate

I was playing on US 228 last night with teammates. We had a UAZ stolen from down south, and one of our guys followed it north (on a bicycle no less) before being killed. I was already alone to the far northwest running a LRRP for supplies and camp locations. I started heading east along the northern edge of the map to maybe find the UAZ and opfor. About the halfway mark, I ran into a guy who was on top of a hill. It looked like he had possibly spotted me earlier and was trying to reacquire me. I spotted him through thermals (L85, legally looted off a heli), put a few rounds in his general direction, then retreated back the way I came into a treeline. A short time later, there was a burst of automatic fire towards my original position, I assume in an attempt to flush me or pin me for a flanking maneuver by a teammate. Since they had not D/C'd after my initial volley (a banner event in this game), I stayed in the fight and spent about 20 or so minutes moving around to position myself on the other side of the hill for a flanking shot. I was under a tree doing a thermal scan with no further contact, when I was booted from the server with a "Battleye: Banned for hacking/scripting" message. Thinking it was an error like other Battleye messages, I tried to log back in and was promptly kicked again. I tried another server I frequent, and had no problems, so I know it's not a global ban mistake that's happened as of late. I thought that maybe I had engaged and admin and gotten a rage-ban, but my debug didn't show any extra kills, so the brief exchange of gunfire was bloodless. There were skidmarks on US 228 at the time. My other teammates were further down south getting ghosted on by another group at one of the factories. They killed one of them and found an MG36 with ammo in his inventory. One of my guys has screenshots with the name and inventory, but I don't have that info at the moment. Anyway, there was another Jeff on the server at the time : Jeff(2) to be exact. I'm thinking that maybe he had been hacking and the admins saw his name in the logs and got me by mistake. I and my team have been regulars on the server for a couple of weeks now without incident, and it's a great server. I'm not mad or anything. I would rather the admins be aggressive with the kiddies and get accidentally caught in the net. I would just like to get unbanned since I like ther server and my team has a camp and vehicles there.

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I can vouch for Laniakea (Jeff) here. Unfortunately my system nuked the screenshots on MG36 guy so all I have is a name, server and approximate time of death for both times we got him. First time when we were trying to reacquire our van and second time as he was trying to roll back in and get his gear. Which promptly got buried in the hillside after we looted all his necessary good and proper gear.

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