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iyax works below?

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For some reason when i am using the new patch i cant connect to any previous patch servers, is this meant to happen or is it a problem on my end?

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1725 is a broken patch. It fixed nothing and made things worse... :( I didnt have artifacting for awhile but then it came back.

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1725 is a broken patch. It fixed nothing and made things worse... :( I didnt have artifacting for awhile but then it came back.

"1725 is a broken patch. It fixed nothing and made things worse..." ? Every patch fixes nothing and makes things worse

But i still luv yu rockit <333

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Don't expect new patches to work with old servers. Just keep a back up of the @dayz folder when you update. This way you can go back and forth between the updates if you need to.

Make sure you're using the right beta patch as well. isn't broken. The bandits are upset about their loss of anonymity and those suffering the graphical glitches haven't figured out we're the testers of the patches for the alpha of a mod.

Edited by Super67_

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Iv had no trouble with it so far. Havent even gotten any artifacts at Balota airfield which i used to get on previous versions.

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"1725 is a broken patch. It fixed nothing and made things worse..." ? Every patch fixes nothing and makes things worse

But i still luv yu rockit <333


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Rocket is essentially testing this hotfix over the weekend. He hasn't even released it to Six Launcher yet, because he wants to make sure he is happy with it.

No need to complain before things are actually put in place. Also, it is not Rocket's fault that server admins are installing this version to.... well test the game.

EDIT: http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/67383-hotfix-build-1725-rolling-update/

Read the first few sentences and everything should be cleared up.

Edited by nano27

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but really something is not right with this patch.

i had no artifacting with 1724 or below and now that i upgraded to 1725 the glitches appeared

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