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FR191 - Starting - EMT Medic team! Please Read and apply if intersted

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FR191 - Server Update! ( Repost because Format! )

FR191 Will have there own EMT- Medic team set up! to take friendly server to the next level.. We will have a team of 5 Medics helping people in aid on any side of the battle! They don't pick sides they just the weak in need of aid!

I think this is an awsome update to our server and i thank "EMT-Jasz" who came up with the idea!

Are you interested in being a EMT member? please respond in the forum link in the end of the post. Tell something about yourself and why you think you are suitable for the job! Come up with original ideas because we only have 4 slots left! EMT-Jasz will respond in that post and make his team together.. You also have your own TS channel where people can ask for aid!

All your help will be rewarded by our Special Opps squad who is going in the field getting the best gear! So all EMT guys will get full support from our Server!

I hope to hear from you soon..

[sTH] smKes

Link Main Forum ::]http://dayzmod.com/f...t/page__st__120

Edited by smKes

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Me (ARTEM) Got killed by a hacker who teleported himself behind me (I was on Pik Gozlova) and I triple checked all the surroundings, and suddenly someone poped made noise, just time to look backwards, and here he is.

Maybe you can check the logs, me "ARTEM" getting killed between 20h40 and 20h55 (GMT+1 Paris, France) near Pik Gozlova... Lost all meh stuff while i was wondering to pitch a tent on your serv... too sad

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