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Sniper Hill - Where even the brave fear to tread

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Sniper Hill PVP = more thrilling than the Zombies.

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Sniper Hill PVP = more thrilling than the Zombies.

Forgot there was even zombies with all the butchery at cherno/elektro ;)

There more of an obstacle than a threat, to easy to escape them.

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I love that hill. My first priority as a new spawn is to snag a hatchet and head straight there on a high pop server. Chop some bush wookies up then roll around in their epic loots and tears like scrooge mcduck in money

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That was intense man

Good Video

I thought I recognised the voice, then I saw your name and was like it's WaldoDude from Xcals videos!

Edited by Fooz

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Had a great night on that hill yesterday, 2 of us on the hill spotting for a friend in the fire station tower. Sitting on that hill watching chaos unfold is more fun than going to the NW airfield now.

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Yea that hill quickly goes nuts and believe it or not this video isn't the most action I've seen up there. A combination of a variety of factors (long setup time, lack of respawn, large map, low population) have started to encourage people to congregate even more so around cherno and elektro than they have in the past. It's not any fun playing for hours without any survivor sightings especially since the zombies have such a small sphere of influence.

Hopefully in the stand-alone game we get more of everything; better zombies, higher player cap, and less of an emphasis on travel time.

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I love that hill. My first priority as a new spawn is to snag a hatchet and head straight there on a high pop server. Chop some bush wookies up then roll around in their epic loots and tears like scrooge mcduck in money

lol bush wookies

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Sometimes i just sit there and wait for people to spawn up there. (that happens often) They gonna die without hearing any noise, because iam 800 meters away where they would never expect me. (ok, iam in elektro, sniping snipers)

there are many server hopping people who want to bring terror over elektro. Iam a guardian angel and i wont let them snipe any guy in my town. (My sniperkillcount on that hill is like 30+ and i will not miss a shot)

Sometimes i see a battle going on up there and ill be patient to snipe down the winner of the battle to bring doom over all who dare to put a step on that dobryy mountain.

That mountain is made of blood and flesh, it will become cursed and haunted by the ghosts of the fallen like another mountain we dont speak of.

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