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Deathmatch with Zombies is boring to say the least as it is right now in Alpha.

When in town it feels like I am playing Red Orchestra and when out of town it feels like I am playing a single player game.

Zombies are boring and too easy to kill and manipulate. The only ones you even need to worry about are the runners and even then you can lose them a lot of the time by running up a hill. There should be a lot more in the server... I know I have seen up to 1000 in game at any time, but I may not see one for a long time. A couple of roaming between towns or in the woods zombie hordes would be nice and why not just have them all spawn and then just roam aimlessly after that. I don't like coming up on a building with supplies and seeing nothing and then boom zombies appear and now I have to shoot and give away my position.

I don't think people should be spawning right next to the two major "cities" This is causing the deathmatch scenario. The spawns should be more nomad by spawning you in the middle of the woods, in a small town, in the city, on the coast, in a barn etc etc... It tells you where you are when you first start and a lot of people can just go by that and figure where to go. If you can't there are online maps.

Snipers should be removed... There is really no use for them other than killing other players and with how people are using them they are killing for sport and not survival. Since zombies just spawn out of thin air there is no reason to use them against zombies and since wild game is so rare you usually don't see any until you almost step on them.

There are quite a few bugs and glitches, but I know most of them have to do with the core engine of the game. I have played this game for a while and understand there isn't a lot that can be done about the glitches. Though if you could change the threshold on fall damage from 5 feet to more like 15 feet for self damage that would be nice.

It would be nice to have some animations in game for your character that are quick and easy to use instead of having to type things like asking if someone is friendly or not. Maybe the ability to point your gun down or salute to show friendly would be nice.

That is all for now thanks.

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One, you can already lower your rifle. Click left control twice. Two, you can already salute. Click \ in game. Three, add your suggestions in the suggestion forum

Long story short, its an ALPHA. You're going to find hitches in the game design, frequently.

The "deathmatch" thing is way over exaggerated. I've met more friendlies than baddies, period.

This game can produce some of the best morality-stretching moments in any game, ever. It can produce some of the most exiting emergent gameplay, ever. Its not about the "deathmatch" thing. Enough of it.

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Well I have played other RP mods for ArmA 2 and really enjoyed them... Like Island Life for instance. So don't tell me I haven't had a good RP experience with this game because I have. When you start out as a common fisherman to a gas station robber because you couldn't pay your speeding tickets, to a drug farmer, to a dealer and finally work up to become a drug Warlord and Pimp on the side in a game that lasts about 7 hours you tell me again that I haven't had a good story or experience... This game lacks RP and I believe that is what it was made for... Some of the features from Island Life would be nice in this game too. Like "gangs": Where you can create a gang or whatever you want to call it and you can keep track of your gang members on screen and on the map and work together either as friendlies trying to survive together or as bandits.

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This mod is not at all about RP. It has been stated by the developer that is more of a social experiment than a game. If the players decide to create this fabled "deathmatch" environment that everyone seems to be talking about, that is how it will be. The creator will not limit any group in any way to "force" anyone in any direction.

Other ARMA RP mods do it better, because they are intended to be RP mods.

Edit: I should not say its "not at all" about RP. It can be about RP if you want it to be.. but there is no requirement that other players need to RP with you.

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what ever happened to enjoying what the dev gave us? its more of a social experiment this is the first of its kind of course there are better players but in time you will get better too this game is kinda like life you try one way and you fail you try another way and you fail again you learn from playing this isn't something that's gonna hold your hand and guide you to cherno you have to survive to get anywhere that's kinda the point this mod survive and that feeling you get is priceless

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what ever happened to enjoying what the dev gave us? its more of a social experiment this is the first of its kind of course there are better players but in time you will get better too this game is kinda like life you try one way and you fail you try another way and you fail again you learn from playing this isn't something that's gonna hold your hand and guide you to cherno you have to survive to get anywhere that's kinda the point this mod survive and that feeling you get is priceless

The feeling is priceless, that's whats holding 95,000 players here.

Good summed up post.

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what ever happened to enjoying what the dev gave us? its more of a social experiment this is the first of its kind of course there are better players but in time you will get better too this game is kinda like life you try one way and you fail you try another way and you fail again you learn from playing this isn't something that's gonna hold your hand and guide you to cherno you have to survive to get anywhere that's kinda the point this mod survive and that feeling you get is priceless

Ok so it is a social experiment... This would of been much more fun if it was intended for RP instead of a "Social Experiment"

Let me solve the riddle for this experiment right now. If you put a gun in the avg. players hands and have a boring enemy and no rules he will shoot other players because they are the only challenge and have the best supplies even though he might not need them.

EDIT: I don't get this feeling of accomplishment in this game at all. The only "objective" is to survive, but doing that is too easy. You really never have to go to a city at all. You can live off your basic supplies hitting up barns/small towns/deer stands and get everything from those. I had a toon that was about 4 days old, but got bored of roaming around the west and north ends of the map so I went to Elektro and it was quiet and I couldn't find anyone. The server crashed a few min later and I logged into another server and within 10 sec of spawning i got sniped and died. That was a great feeling of accomplishment :rollseyes:

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what ever happened to enjoying what the dev gave us? its more of a social experiment this is the first of its kind of course there are better players but in time you will get better too this game is kinda like life you try one way and you fail you try another way and you fail again you learn from playing this isn't something that's gonna hold your hand and guide you to cherno you have to survive to get anywhere that's kinda the point this mod survive and that feeling you get is priceless

Ok so it is a social experiment... This would of been much more fun if it was intended for RP instead of a "Social Experiment"

Let me solve the riddle for this experiment right now. If you put a gun in the avg. players hands and have a boring enemy and no rules he will shoot other players because they are the only challenge and have the best supplies even though he might not need them.

You may believe it would be more fun your way, just as many people would rather have features they would personally enjoy. There are no tailor-made game, not in 2012.

This is Rocket's mod, we are just blessed with the ability to play it. He sets the rules. If you don't like them, there is little you can do, other than suggest improvements in the forum, or stop playing.

Again, I have met MANY friendly players in DayZ. Maybe its the hours/servers I play on, but I have successfully teamed up with, traded with, and talked with FAR more players than I have even engaged in gun battles. Perhaps you have had a run of bad luck. Give it some more time, or find another RP more suited to your taste.

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hey over 95,000 players have joined and played this game its gonna piss some people off how they play but for me that's then fun it's mainly always different in a social way the game is the same dog eat dog but the people are different and that's what matters imo im a walking dead buff and im so hooked on this that if they asked me to pay in advance i would for the final product that's just me and that's my point we are all different here and we all have different playstyles but i know this game is alot more than what it seems alot more than what i think rocket thought it could be (and this is just an alpha)also remember no one put a gun to your head and said play if you don't like it don't play simple

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I believe you are playing the wrong mod. There is a wonderful coop zombie mission available on armaholic made by celery. That is probably more to your liking.

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Snipers should be removed... There is really no use for them other than killing other players and with how people are using them they are killing for sport and not survival.

No use for them?

Maybe you're just not thinking of ways to use them.

My brother and I entered Chernogorsk while another guy with a CZ covered us from 600m away.

We would come up to a corner and over Teamspeak he would say "Hold up, zombie ahead, lining him up." and then we would hear a bullet impact followed by the sound of the gunshot from the distance.

Even if they were used only against humans, why is that a problem?

Killing other survivors is part of the game.

My brother and I were in a similar situation as above, except this time he was raiding a barn for weapons while I covered him with my rifle.

He was about to leave when I saw a guy called "Rakim1" approach.

This guy could have opened fire on my brother so I decided to kill him before he had the chance.

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Snipers should be removed... There is really no use for them other than killing other players and with how people are using them they are killing for sport and not survival. Since zombies just spawn out of thin air there is no reason to use them against zombies and since wild game is so rare you usually don't see any until you almost step on them.

Bullshit man. Myself and six others ended up taking over Northwest Airfield at one point. One group of three, myself and two others were sent to raid the hangers, barracks, and whatever other buildings we could find with decent loot. The rest held control of the fire and communications tower. Two of the people left behind had sniper rifles.

Instead of the raiding group opening up on zombies that were too close (thus alerting the hoard) the snipers provided an awesome little service called overwatch and killed them for us. In addition, these snipers watched for potential enemy player positions. We were able to move completely unhindered so long as we did our part and didn't get careless.

It was glorious.

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if you think it's deathmatch with zombies then you're playing the wrong game

It really is though. Mainly due to lack of other things to do.

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That is exactly what I said... Your reputation must reflect your IQ

if you think it's deathmatch with zombies then you're playing the wrong game

It really is though. Mainly due to lack of other things to do.

And that is the problem... It is boring. Like I have stated it is Deathmatch in towns and boring single player outside of towns. Not all my friends have the same game interests as me and most don't want to play this. They mostly play D3, BF3, T:A, or other games, but I guess it is my fault I don't have a pocket full of friends to really enjoy wandering around in the woods with for hours dodging slow and dumb zombies.

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