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Joining a server removed all the stuff from my inventory

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Hi guys!

I've been playing a character for quite awhile back in version, had a a lot of gear and tools, survived being almost dead 2 times, and have been extra cearful. I've been getting graphical glitches so I decided to see if there's an update - and there was a new version so I updated.

Then I join this server (thankfully I favorited it) - DayZ - DE 1437 (v1.7.2.5/Beta 95883) [REGULAR][GMT]. IP: (joined it like 20 mins ago). After joining I got a message about me waiting for respawn and in the chat it said that I got killed. In a few seconds I respawn in some weird plains without any trees or houses.

I've tried logging into other servers after that and it seems that my character is alive but all stuff is gone. Also I'm back on the shore, and hunger meter is the same as it was I logged back on version

I feel like it was an admin or some hacker who did this, but I'm not sure... Is there any way I can get my stuff back? I really liked my character and was working so hard to keep him alive... :(



Edited by SexyKOT69

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The exact same thing happened to me on a DayZ/Beta updated, private, non-HIVE, server following a restart -- so I'd say it's likely a bug and not a hack.

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the same happend to me. I log in and a message say im dead, ok i say and start over again, but the game dont ask me if i want to create a new char (male or femela window) and i respawn over kamenka and no inventory, i try to loot and nothing happend. So i kill my self and start over again :(

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The exact same thing happened to me on a DayZ/Beta updated, private, non-HIVE, server following a restart -- so I'd say it's likely a bug and not a hack.

Well, I guess your signature goes without saying...

Wow this is lame... The only times I got actually killed and lost my stuff was only due to bug. I got killed for proning on a catwalk, I had my backpack disappear 3 times on me, fell from roofs because of graphical artifacts...

I'm not whining, but this is really discouraging. No matter how hard you try to stay alive and avoid all hazards - you're still going to fail. I guess I'll take a little break from DayZ.

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