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Rope ladders ?

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Is it possible in mod ? A portable rope ladder that could be dropped down from some building for other people to get up, and raised up again for safety ?

I did a forum search for "ladder" and didn't get any results with similar idea.

P.S. Other ideas I would personally suport and like are: sleeping bags, sleeping to heal somewhat, drastic reduction in number of sniper rifles and specialised military weapons, rifles harder to find, removing completly heavy anti-material sniper rifles from the game (totally unpractical in post-apocalyptic zombie world, just like tactical ballistic missiles), increase of zombie's health points (harder to kill with gunshots to body), zombies harder to kill with a hatchet.

A way to quickly drop weapon in hand and take a hatchet, or to have the hatchet in hand while keeping rifle on back and not in the backpack. Reduced speed could be the price to pay, for being overloaded with a backpack, sidearm, rifle and hatched simultaneously...

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i dont like the idea. climbing up on e.g an industry hall in cherno, step by step, being invincible for ther ppl exept choppas. one more ideal for pvp

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It would not allow you to climb anywhere where you could not before.

First you had to get up on some building or roof somehow. Then you could block the normal entrance by some barbed wire or something. And only then you could use the retractable rope ladder to get down for supplies or to allow your friends up.

It could allow making strongholds, shelters, safe zones and entry control. As long as server hoping is also resolved.

Of course it can be used by bad snipers for kamping - like everything in this game including weapons, food, binoculars ect.

You want to reduce camping ? Better remove sniper rifles or make it extraordinary rare...

The Dawn of the Dead...

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If server hopping is fixed, this is a really cool idea.

Actually, regardless, this is a pretty cool idea. Hiding from someone on the same rooftop, and they're blocking the only way down? Not anymore! Make an escape or get surprise backup, I like it.

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