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Why I Want to Shoot You in the Face

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EDIT: tl;dr: I am going to hatchet your ass.

The Beginning:

I have been playing this game since July 17th (my birthday). My younger brother purchased this game for me, and I have had an amazing time playing it with him and his friends (and myself... let's not mention that though). ;)

After they taught me how to play, and I had a few encounters with other random players, I decided to give them some advice.

"Shoot everyone in the face!"

They immediately told me not to do that / that isn't nice / don't think that way. After a long debate, they convinced me that the 3 other people I had ran into were "bandits."

So, I continued playing the game with the intention that a majority of the other players were trying to survive the same horrible zombie apocalypse I was.

My Noob Years:

My brother and his friend were in Elektro gathering supplies to move to our camp (obviously we should have been further north, but... oh well). I was nearby, so I asked if one of them could give me a blood transfusion. They asked me to meet them in the school (three story building), so I headed over there.

I informed them over Skype that I was entering the bottom floor of the school house. My brother asked if I had an Enfield. I responded, "no." I thought he was asking if I had fired one and he heard it, or that I had the weapon in my hand. I was still new, so I didn't know you could see weapons on someone's back.

My brother immediately started shooting at me, so I shot back and killed him. His friend was behind him and killed me within seconds. It all happened so fast none of us knew what happened until we saw the death messages on the server. (Note: Our server has no nameplates)

My brother was quite angry, which I thought was hilarious (older brother syndrome).

So, now I am confused because I was told not to immediately shoot people, but they shot me without asking if I was friendly. :(

My "Being too Nice" Experience:

One day, I log into the game near our camp, while someone is looking through our tents. After recently killing my brother, I decided to hold my fire and ask if they were friendly / are you my brother's friend?

BAM!!! I get shot in the face. I suppose that was understandable, since the guy wasn't our friend. However, he could have apologized and I would have let him go... maybe.

My Most Annoying Alpha/Bug Experience:

I spawned on the coast (with all my stuff) without dying or server hopping. However, I had to try three times to connect to my normal server. That could have caused me to spawn on the coast. Either way, it is still annoying when I didn't die or server hop.

But, this is an Alpha and a mod, so I shrugged it off (as I have with many bugs/glitches in PC games, mods, and alphas / betas before this one) and headed for my camp.

My Close Encounter with Insanity:

After two hours I arrived at my camp. (I didn't run straight there, since I wanted to check some of our other camps / loot areas on the way).

My camp and all of the vehicles were gone.

So, I decided to wait for a server restart.


I rejoined the server after a restart to find none of my tents or vehicles!

Now... this is a mod, and it is in Alpha. It isn't even a game in Alpha... just a mod. So, I can't be mad at rocket, and I can't be mad at BIS (well I can be mad at them a little bit for their quirky engine).

The only people left that I can be mad at / express my anger towards are the players.

So, prepare yourselves for the wrath of the hatchet wielding maniac, the makarov madman, and/or the Lee Enfield lunatic!!!!!


Stay out of Cherno/Elektro if you know what is good for you!

P.S. I am not actually going to do this... yet. Luckily, most of my rage has been released while writing this forum post.

P.P.S Now I understand why people are so trigger happy... it releases anger (or maybe they really are just CoD PoS wannabe PC gamers... sorry to introduce consolism).

P.P.P.S. You guys are awesome. I hope to kill you soon... or who knows, maybe we can team up some time (emphasis on the "maybe").



Edited by nano27
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Cool beans bro. I still get 10x the satisfaction out of helping people, but there are enough bandits and murderers around that when I need the rush of the firefight i'll get it.

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I gave you 66 beans for identifying the obvious, and the rest of the can for your interesting name. If only an avatar existed for such a name...

Edited by nano27

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same thing happened to my group, i ended up just spending one life running through cherno with an axe playing Drowning Pool over voice coms

It really helped relieve the frustration >.>

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same thing happened to my group, i ended up just spending one life running through cherno with an axe playing Drowning Pool over voice coms

It really helped relieve the frustration >.>

Haha, maybe I will do the same.

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