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Why are 95% of servers not allowing custom faces?

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So just a question for server admins out there, why dont you allow custom faces in your servers?

If it is because the size just make it be <100kb, If its is because something else, would you mind telling me? Maybe the servers have this option turned off by default? Thanks!

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I guess it is the size of the file. I´ve seen people get kicked who tried to join the server with a facefile of 50 MB. so WTF!

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I guess it is the size of the file. I´ve seen people get kicked who tried to join the server with a facefile of 50 MB. so WTF!

Yes but that's what I said, they can easily put a limit of 100k for example for the file.

This face is badassery itself, would be nice to roll around chernarus wearing this :D


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