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Looking for clarification on cars/tents

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Does anyone know what the story with cars and tents are?

I want to begin stock piling weapons with my buddies but i've heard that if a server is improperly restarted the tent won't be there/will be empty.

Cars also seem to dissapear on us when we log back in after a couple hours (presumable after a server restart)

I've seen plenty of videos with people who own 1-2 vehicles and multiple tents but how reliable are they at the moment?

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Right now, not very reliable, as it is nearly impossible to place them. (tents)

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Some more details for the both of you. When a tent is placed in game successfully, which as of the current build is already very difficult, it will remain in that server as long as you are alive. If the server is shut down traditionally, as in for a reason OTHER than the normal server reset, the tent can dissapear UNTIL the next normal server rest. It will than appear again.

It may also vanish due to various Alpha stage bugs, though this isn't, in a word, common.

Vehicles can be affected by the same bugs.

Tents will vanish 48 (i believe) hours after death of owner.

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