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To all the scum at elektro hill

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killed 2 kids in elektro (1 murder, 1 bandit kill but they were traveling together)

shoot one from my spot, the other guy runs to a place where hes safe from the hill, easy wide open shot for me though luls

We dooooon't CAAARE B)

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Snipers are griefers who will never change, they think they are elite but in reality they're little chickens afraid of a fair fight.

The advice is good, avoid these towns.

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You make me feel ashamed of belonging to the same race you do.

How do you know what race they all are?

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Stay alive long enough to get a powerful but common gun like the Lee Enfield, Remington or Winchester then flank them and hit them from behind, I found that you can get some cool gear from that (state of the art weapons, ghillies, satchel charges etc).

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Stay alive long enough to get a powerful but common gun like the Lee Enfield, Remington or Winchester then flank them and hit them from behind, I found that you can get some cool gear from that (state of the art weapons, ghillies, satchel charges etc).

its all duped gear 90% of the time


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honestly i think you need to stop crying cuz i mean in real life! if i was on a hill top with a sniper rifle and i saw the chance to take a shoot at sumone with or without loot cuz theres a 50% they have loot may i add ( were in a zombie apocolips) i would, or im in cherno and ive been trailling this guy since elektro and waiting for the perfect time to take him and hes buddy out with out getting spooted, its part of the game of life!!! ive been playing for over 700hours and bye all mean ive been stuck and i mean stuck in only 2 sniper fire fights,the rest ive maniged to escape, or eliminate! play with friends!! have overwatch! and for crying out load, dont stand out in the open in town anywere, use tree lines, building cover your self, tacktical is the only way to play this game! this game to me is a big pvp hunting ground

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You lost me at the part of being ashamed to be part of the human race. :)

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and whats your discription on a NOOB SNIPER? cuz ive seen ( played with been the ,shooter,spooter,retrever) hitting players at 400-700m away moving targets from the hills or rooftops! its not easy, and with any arma 2 practice its not hard to be a good shoot at thos distances, just takes time, and the perfect moment to take the shoot soo..... for that matter i dont know what your disription is of a noob snipner is cuz if he can make that shoot and collect your gear with out loss then to me thats a preatty good sniper? dont you think?

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You're the biggest asshole I ever saw. You got sniped in ELEKTRO while LANDING A CHOPPER IN CHERNO. Are u stupid?

And im a asshole for actually telling the OP what he needs to hear? If he takes my advice and the advice of many others in this thread he might be able to manage a 10 minute lifespan. And yeah, I did land a chopper in Chern on the hotel. It was incredibly fun. We counter-sniped snipers on the hill and hospital to the north. We heard some shots and saw a guy crouched on top of the hospital with a DMR shooting at a unarmed guy. I took him out and we flew the chopper down to his body to loot it. Turns out this guy was DECKED like MAD. Every tool, DMR, NVGS (even though it was day time), Coyote backpack, and the backpack was entirely full of Mountain Dew and food. Clearly this guy was a duper but anyway on the return trip back up to our spot another sniper took me out as I landed. My team threw my gear in the chopper and came and got me 2 minutes later. Didnt lose a thing. Didnt lose the chopper. Doesnt sound that stupid to me. Sounds like actually having fun.

Edit- Also, to your comment about being in Chern and getting sniped in Elektro or whatever your asinine remark was, obviously snipers arent just exclusive to Elektro. The OP im sure is speaking about all coast snipers in his post, and is just using the most famous sniping spot as a generalization.

Edited by Egor190

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Double post, site was lagging.

Edited by Egor190

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How do you know what race they all are?

There is a difference between Race and Ethnicity

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Lul@ all of the butthurt hill snipers coming to respond in this thread. I hope they don't stop camping the hill because who will I kill when I sweep that area?

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You're the biggest asshole I ever saw. You got sniped in ELEKTRO while LANDING A CHOPPER IN CHERNO. Are u stupid?

He said he got sniped only once and it was in cherno.

Do you know what "." means? It spearates 2 sentences

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