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To all the scum at elektro hill

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Most QQ group of people are this lame campers, who cry that they have back again bandit suits. Or just QQ that rookies should dont have any weapon at start so they can easy kill them. Time to hunt down some rats just in sight. :P

Edited by Dalegor Dobrutro

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only failures use the hill still

theres a 10x better spot that can still overlook everything and be 10x safer

Teehehe, I know where this is and if it's where I think it is, it also gives you a vantage of the entire face of dobryy, allowing you to nail any kids up there.

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I fully agree on the "survival of the fittest" or KOS if you the other person may be a threat.

But these people dont kill to "survive" they just do it for fun. What I wanted to say is, that if you just play dayZ with the sole purpose of killing other people, you might aswell jump into ArmA 2 multiplayer, where you will have a FAIR battle against other people with the same gear you have.

I do see your point, but I always think back to what if that player finds a weapon in the next few minutes and finds me? If I get killed by that player I have lost everything I have worked hard for, wishing I would of shot on sight and got rid of him.

The time difference between an unarmed player and a player that's out to kill you with a weapon can be as little as 30 seconds. Unless I know the person, I shoot on sight unarmed or not.

Sniping the towns is just another play style, people do enjoy doing it and who are we to question them? People will eventually learn and either avoid the main areas where they're likely to be killed, or do something about it and go kill them.

Either way - It's a part of the game and I think that it adds that extra 'danger' to going into larger towns.

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You are not bandits. You just murder unarmed / new players while thinking that you are "pro" and boasting about your l33t murders.

You think you are good at the game when all you do is sit on a hill, behind a tree, away from all the danger, just sniping people with your probably duped gear.

You make me feel ashamed of belonging to the same race you do. Please, go play ArmA II Death Match in multiplayer. Oh wait, you are scared to fight against people that can shoot back, I forgot.

Go fuck yourself buddy, ive found a dozen crash sites and have pre much the best gear in the game, im sorry that everyone chills around elektro, maybe if you stopped QQin and got away from elektro you might survive for more then 5 minutes like me. want a tip? get the fuck away from the coast, and find a bloody stronghold. oh hey, heres a free be, on US 401 at Zub someone made a base with the majority of the guns. I guess venturing outside the norm can help (last i checked there were 2 svd camos, fn fal, all shottys, machine guns, all gear u need, etc). Mind blowing...

Sincerely, A player who knows how to play this game properly.

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I did apologise for killing him, but as i said i got nothing better to do till my team wake up.....

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Teehehe, I know where this is and if it's where I think it is, it also gives you a vantage of the entire face of dobryy, allowing you to nail any kids up there.

can check the whole hill with thermal easily

and youre hidden by the tree so well you can hardly see the person hiding in it

Edited by Buffjesus

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Sincerely, A player who knows how to play this game properly.

Fastest way to kill fun from Zombie Apocalypse game is to read all guides and run with loot map. And there is nothing more to do. No sense in exploring and "fighting" for life. If you have all on the plate, game is challange only for total rookies who dont touch nothing of earlier guides or loot maps.

Edited by Dalegor Dobrutro

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can check the whole hill with thermal easily

and youre hidden by the tree so well you can hardly see the person hiding in it

Yup, that's my spot for elektro counter-sniping. I nail at least two AS50s up there daily. In fact, I think 4 people in my squad now have an AS50/M4 SD combo due to it.

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I do see your point, but I always think back to what if that player finds a weapon in the next few minutes and finds me? If I get killed by that player I have lost everything I have worked hard for, wishing I would of shot on sight and got rid of him.

The time difference between an unarmed player and a player that's out to kill you with a weapon can be as little as 30 seconds. Unless I know the person, I shoot on sight unarmed or not.

Sniping the towns is just another play style, people do enjoy doing it and who are we to question them? People will eventually learn and either avoid the main areas where they're likely to be killed, or do something about it and go kill them.

Either way - It's a part of the game and I think that it adds that extra 'danger' to going into larger towns.

Its not hard to get gear, i was killed two days ago while having the following:

-Ghillie Suit

-Fn Fal


-3 blood bags

-3 morphine injectors

-m107 50cal sniper rifle

-night vision googles

- and all food, gear, and ammo that comes with it

And i walked out a store and was shot by an admin who didn't die to 20 fn fal rounds, and guess what, within an hour, me and my buddy both had alice packs, and m107s again. I dont think i even had a pistol at that point. My character is alive and yesterday, i found the svd camo, night vision, camo suit, g17, and a medical box. This is not that hard too get, you just have to know where to look, and to know where too look you must wander first for a bit. My first week, i ran around finding the best survival spot, and i did.

Dont complain about how the game is, take it from Charles Darwin, The ones who adapt to their environment are the ones who will survive. Dont bitch when you die, i smile, i get happy. Why? cause i get to find all of my stuff again legitimately and laugh at the admins/noobs who stumble upon my jackpot of a body because i know i can get it back.

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No, but it seems like they harvested your brain.

This people is low. Low people that kill a freshly-unarmed spawn make me feel unconmfortable, so I make a post and describe these people in an objective way.

After reading your some of the answers I think that you are the ones that are mad, truth makes you get sad huh?

There was nothing objective about your first post.

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Definitely a L2P issue on the OP's side and on whoever is QQing about bandits ind charno/electro..

They are easy to avoid if u know how. Just stay out of their line of sight, never stay at the same place for longer than a second, ALWAYS run and ignore zombies.

Yea however L2P

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stay away from elektro.. problem solved lol

Its not the only place to loot up on gear and anyways its far from got the best gear anyways. Best weapons i have ever found in elecktro is a dmr and thats a piece of shit anyways.

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can check the whole hill with thermal easily

and youre hidden by the tree so well you can hardly see the person hiding in it

Do tell =)

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Don't play a sandbox if you don't like the way other people play with their sand.

Check out the forum superstar below me lol. Can't wait to see these pro videos.

Edited by Swineflew
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Who says i read the guides? all i use the wiki for is the loot cheat sheet, did you know the drop rate for NV googles at crash sites is 0.87%? Thats all i use it for. Stop assuming bitch, maybe im just good? :o mind boggling. Heres a tip, Rog or Zub. Choose wisely, i will kill you if i see u, i dont take risk since that admin noob fucked two guys with fn fals.

Also, to further my point, im actually working on video guides for noobs, so hey, i may make the guide that saves you :)

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Fastest way to kill fun from Zombie Apocalypse game is to read all guides and run with loot map. And there is nothing more to do. No sense in exploring and "fighting" for life. If you have all on the plate, game is challange only for total rookies who dont touch nothing of earlier guides or loot maps.

Who says i read the guides? all i use the wiki for is the loot cheat sheet, did you know the drop rate for NV googles at crash sites is 0.87%? Thats all i use it for. Stop assuming bitch, maybe im just good? :o mind boggling. Heres a tip, Rog or Zub. Choose wisely, i will kill you if i see u, i dont take risk since that admin noob fucked two guys with fn fals.

Also, to further my point, im actually working on video guides for noobs, so hey, i may make the guide that saves you :)

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Get the fuck out of Electro then. Ive been sniped ONCE in like 600 hours of Day Z play. And that was because I was landing a fucking HELICOPTER on the roof of the hotel in Chern. People like you make me WANT to go snipe, even though I never seek people out to kill.

You're the biggest asshole I ever saw. You got sniped in ELEKTRO while LANDING A CHOPPER IN CHERNO. Are u stupid?

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killed 2 kids in elektro (1 murder, 1 bandit kill but they were traveling together)

shoot one from my spot, the other guy runs to a place where hes safe from the hill, easy wide open shot for me though luls

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I was just pointing out something.

No they won't stop

Nice elaborate and intelligent answer to a common problem that most newcomers are suffering.

Way to go!

Lets see what other 12 years old-like answers I get

I myself don't snipe on bandit hill, and I don't neccesarly get annoyed at them because of the fact that: This is a game, if you don't like it you can uninstall, this is definately not a problem, it's the game, if you don't want to die in elektro or cherno, don't go, it's quite simple really.

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I fully agree on the "survival of the fittest" or KOS if you the other person may be a threat.

But these people dont kill to "survive" they just do it for fun. What I wanted to say is, that if you just play dayZ with the sole purpose of killing other people, you might aswell jump into ArmA 2 multiplayer, where you will have a FAIR battle against other people with the same gear you have.

"They just do it for fun" Well yes, that's generally what games or in this case, mods are made for.

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Definitely a L2P issue on the OP's side and on whoever is QQing about bandits ind charno/electro..

They are easy to avoid if u know how. Just stay out of their line of sight, never stay at the same place for longer than a second, ALWAYS run and ignore zombies.

Yea however L2P

It seems like you are a bit dense.

I do know how to avoid risk zones and I do know how to play for I stayed alive for 14 days.

Just the fact that I'm pointing out how sad some player's attittude is that doesn't mean I "dont know how to play"

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I myself don't snipe on bandit hill, and I don't neccesarly get annoyed at them because of the fact that: This is a game, if you don't like it you can uninstall, this is definately not a problem, it's the game, if you don't want to die in elektro or cherno, don't go, it's quite simple really.

This is tests of mod, so if something I dont like I type about on forum - if it have any support maybe it will be seen as something to change in this matter. Its not ready game where you can dictate "dont like, unistall". Same I can say "if you dont like read such topics, dont read it and turn off website".

Edited by Dalegor Dobrutro

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Just flank eletrko hill and kill em with a axe. Their noisy rifles are easy to locate.


No joke, it's pretty pathetic. They log out at any sound of danger.

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I myself don't snipe on bandit hill, and I don't neccesarly get annoyed at them because of the fact that: This is a game, if you don't like it you can uninstall, this is definately not a problem, it's the game, if you don't want to die in elektro or cherno, don't go, it's quite simple really.

See, there is a problem with your attittude of "If you dont like something, dont play it / don't go to that place".

If we followed your reasoning method, no one would complain about glitches or things they want added / fixed in the game, because they would just "stop playing it" instead of complaining.

No one would say that a TV series is bad and what is bad about it, because someone would say "dont watch it hurr".

When there are things that people don't like, they will complain, just to relieve the stress or to try and get that thing fixed, so get over it.

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