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bad_mojo (DayZ)

Be their fodder

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I enjoy a lot of things about DayZ. One of the most interesting parts of the game for me is when you need items. When you don't know where your next meal is coming from. And being a "veteran" dayz player, that period of desperation only lasts about 10-20 minutes.

So, I've started playing it differently. I don't hold a gun, ever. I might pick up a primary weapon if I come across something special. But, it's never in my hands. The only thing I carry is a flashlight.(Preferably military) If it's dark I run around with a chem light and the flashlight going all the time. I stock up my character with food/drink/medical/tools as quickly as possible.

Then, if I haven't been killed yet, I run around the coast flashing my light until I find someone. They either kill me and take my gifts, or I talk to them and offer them everything I have. More often then not if they haven't killed me on sight, they want to team up and I have a really enjoyable time.

I do get killed a lot. But, I also interact with a lot of people. Dying to someones bullet, to me, is more exciting than crawling through weeds and hiding in the forest all day. Being someones cannon fodder gives not only their game purpose but also mine. I'm not suicidal, if I see someone becoming hostile, I run and hide. But, if they want to act friendly and then kill me, I don't make it difficult for them.

I also make little care packages for people to stumble upon. I run up and down the coastal road, killing any animals I see and dropping a chem light. Then, I gut the animal and throw a can of beans, maybe some matches & wood, soda or water bottle. Sometimes I even cook the meat and put it back on the body. http://i.imgur.com/QbUjL.jpg

Try it some time.

Edited by bad_mojo
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think hes saying he sucks at DayZ but is addicted to it

so hes drooling his way around the wasteland putting cooked meat in animal bodies that disappear in 2 minutes

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ignore the self important fags that need to show their superiority by mocking others.

it is nice what you are doing, but the animal carcases dissapear very fast. you're better off leaving the items on the road with a GREEN chem light.

green is brightest, about 2~3 times as bright as red, and blue is almost invisible if you're further away than 30meters. only time this doesn't apply is when the chem light is in a building , and buildings, like tents are somewhat fluorescent objects, they stand out in the dark more than any other terrain /object, and any chem light is hugely amplified by one.

also if you want to be friendly/helpful, you don't have to be unarmed. I personally find a ton of tents and travel under the cover of night. if I stumble upon a mostly empty server I set up tents next to the entrance of the barracks/market/whatever and drop everything useful I can find inside in the tent then save it, you can probably do similar on the coast tho you'd have to carry a lot.

I travel with a M4A1 CCO SD and a military flash light for moonless nights, so yo don't actually have to be weaponless to be helpful, tho I sorta see your non agressive approach.

one other thing you can do to make sure the beacons are well seen is to set up camping fires on the road with stuff next to them

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ignore the self important fags that need to show their superiority by mocking others.

it is nice what you are doing, but the animal carcases dissapear very fast. you're better off leaving the items on the road with a GREEN chem light.

green is brightest, about 2~3 times as bright as red, and blue is almost invisible if you're further away than 30meters. only time this doesn't apply is when the chem light is in a building , and buildings, like tents are somewhat fluorescent objects, they stand out in the dark more than any other terrain /object, and any chem light is hugely amplified by one.

also if you want to be friendly/helpful, you don't have to be unarmed. I personally find a ton of tents and travel under the cover of night. if I stumble upon a mostly empty server I set up tents next to the entrance of the barracks/market/whatever and drop everything useful I can find inside in the tent then save it, you can probably do similar on the coast tho you'd have to carry a lot.

I travel with a M4A1 CCO SD and a military flash light for moonless nights, so yo don't actually have to be weaponless to be helpful, tho I sorta see your non agressive approach.

one other thing you can do to make sure the beacons are well seen is to set up camping fires on the road with stuff next to them

I've tried it with weapons, but that gives people a reason to kill me on sight. For example I saw someone running from zombies, so I flashed my light at him and he ran over, then when i started to pull out my gun to kill the zombies he took that as a threat and stopped running to kill me, ignoring the zombies altogether. Funny thing was later on I stumbled onto my body, with his body right next to it, he was in the process of looting it when he died.

Thanks for letting me know about the animal bodies, I've run across some dead animals before so I figured they staye around for a while, I'll just put the items on the road with a chem light or fire from now on.

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