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Has duping been fixed?

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Basically the title, hoping it has been fixed as it will level the playing field..

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I may be mistaken, but I thought Rocket said that this couldn't be addressed properly whilst DayZ is still a mod.

This is the sort of thing that they're looking at fixing with the standalone game. Again, I may be mistaken as I can't quite recall where he said it - Could of been in one of his streaming interviews.

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I don't think it can be fixed in the Mod. The Arma engine was never designed for this sort of thing so it may be an ongoing problem. At least with the standalone they will be able to edit the engine to cater to their needs.

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Meh, im fed up of the fully armed L85 + .50 running around killing people because they have nothing to lose, take the fun out of it really..

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The bug where you pull items from your backpack into a zombie corpse back and forth has been fixed but there is still a very easy and "logical" way to dupe items.

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Well it may be fixed a little bit in this patch because currently tents arent saving items, so duping any further items won't be possible. If you put an item into a tent and hit save, it will not be there on restart regardless if you take it out after the save. There will be no copy of that item.

I tested tents yesterday on my server. Put up a brand new one. Saved it. Restarted my server since no one was on. Put some random shit in the tent like a hunting knife and a box of matches. Saved. Restarted again. Came back and the items were gone.

In the last patch, you could put an item in a tent, save the tent and take the item back out but on the restart that item would have a duplicate inside the tent. So who knows.

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