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Tents and vehicles?

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So, yesterday at around 20:05, me and my 2 friends snatched a heli and bus from a group on de399. Within a couple of hours we stole an URAL truck and GAZ. We set up a camp with 4 tents, and stashed all the gear there, and drowe the vehicles away and fooled around in the chopper. After the next server restart at 02:00, all our tents was emty ( shit happens, either stolen or bugged ). We checked all the places the vehicles had been before the reset, and they were all there again, exactly same loot, and exactly the same positions. Once again we emty it all into our own tents, but this time we destroyed all the vehicles exept for the chopper. After the next server restart, all our tents are emty again, beside one of then wich has some minor items in it. Allright we were looted. However, when checking a couple of the previous vehicle spawns, the URAL and GAZ was right back, with ALL the loot intact, even all the minor stuff.

Any good reasons for vehicles and loot to behave this way? All the server restarts weren't manual, scheduled restarts.

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We had a similar issue last night, we destroyed a vehicle and then promptly got killed by the previous owners, server restarted and presto, vehicle was back.

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I found a pickup truck and a tractor a few days ago. Sometimes the loot would stay in the vehicles, sometimes it wouldn't, and sometimes it would reset to what they had in them two server restarts ago, and sometimes it would have old loot I'd transferred out into tents, and the new loot I'd put back in them side by side. I stashed them away and log back in today and they have disappeared. I'm assuming they got stolen, but I've had tents empty themselves and refill randomly and vehicles disappearing only to reappear later. I have no idea how to prevent it, or what causes it.

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Well, we only got 1 kill on the enemy group, though they definatly were searching for us. However, we are completely sure, that we saved all the vehicles, even the ones we trashed after the last restart. Yet now, they are in their previous spots, good as new, with ALL the loot still in them. No manual restarts right after. Was after a good 6 hour period.

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Save it, save your vehicles or they will NOT be there after a server restart. It's crucial atm.

Oh and tents don't work at all atm.

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We did save EVERYTHING. Even trashed all the vehicles, AND saved them afterwards. They still bumped back to their original positions with all the loot in it.

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So basically, the tents and the vehicle-loot system is fucked up right now? No reason for put stuff into one of these. ..

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Since tents and vehicles have been fubar since the beginning I can only assume they can't be fixed. None of the "fixes" have ever worked. I suppose we will have to think of it as a feature and not a bug.

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Ok when I find a vehicle I fix it up. Drive it to where I want to hide it put one item in it like a tin can or something u don't care if u lose. And only then do I hit the save button once. After that it should be there after server restart don't save it again or u will lose it.

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