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Feint (DayZ)

No killfeed?

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Hey guys and gals,

I was curious as to what you thought of the current killfeed in DayZ, by this I mean the death indicator you see at the bottom left of the screen.

Personally I would enjoy playing without knowing if players were dying as it would provide a sense of loneliness and confusion. For example, if you shot a bandit at distance, you would be more inclined to head over to the body in an attempt to confirm a kill, furthermore, this could in some instances reduce the killing of new players as those who camp on the hills wouldn't be completely aware if they kill someone.

But again this was just my opinion, let me know what you think, if you don't agree with this - what are the possible down sides to the removal of them?

Thanks for reading :)

tl;dr - Should killfeeds be removed to discourage camping and encourage checking areas to confirm a kill?

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Personally I'd like to see any textual reference to kills removed from the game.

No scoring, no text messages, no communication other than a bled-out body.

Make the players who kill for thrills work for their gratification.

Edited by Manta-Avoid
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