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Keep spawning on the coast.

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For me it only happens when I can't connect to a server (stuck at "Loading") and have to close the ArmA II task to get out of the game. Once I then connect to another server, I respawn at coast with my full gear. I guess if you are stuck on "Loading" and are quitting by closing the task, your characters position isn't saved or lost and that's the reason you respawn at coast.

This should be fixed by priority for the next version. In DayZ it's very common to get a server that you can't connect to and if you then always would have to restart at coast it would suck. That was not a problem in earlier versions. I just have it since I installed the last ArmA II Beta patch and DayZ v1.7.2.5.

€dit: To avoid this, only join your favorite servers that you know that work.

Edited by System98

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Hi guys I thinks this could help you

I made a Tutorial for this Problem

You dont mention the error as spawning on the coast in the video, but only how to update.

Im running and still getting the problem with the respawn. Can you confirm this solution fixed the respawning problem for you?

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For me it only happens when I can't connect to a server (stuck at "Loading") and have to close the ArmA II task to get out of the game. Once I then connect to another server, I respawn at coast with my full gear. I guess if you are stuck on "Loading" and are quitting by closing the task, your characters position isn't saved or lost and that's the reason you respawn at coast.

This should be fixed by priority for the next version. In DayZ it's very common to get a server that you can't connect to and if you then always would have to restart at coast it would suck. That was not a problem in earlier versions. I just have it since I installed the last ArmA II Beta patch and DayZ v1.7.2.5.

€dit: To avoid this, only join your favorite servers that you know that work.

Sadly, the common servers that i use allso can get stuck on the loading screen :(

Cant figure out how to avoid this.

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Just logged in again to see if i was in a new spawn. Aparrently yes, spawned a NEW place, but.

I dont have any items on me, AT ALL. Everything is gone. All i have is my guillie suit, and my stats. WTF?!

So now what? Do i have to run to a zombie and die, just so i can respawn and play the game, that respawns me every time i log out? Christ sake :|

Just sad.

Lost L85, all kind og medical supplies, spawn point at our camp NW with cars and stuff - Im out until this is getting fixed.

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SAme issue... highly pissed that I have to walk all the way back to my camp with my M240 and A107... not the kinda thing i want to be running around in pvpville aka cherno/elektro... Probs won't make it up there and if i do...well as soon as i log out ill just be at the coast again

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Yup have the same, it sucks cause i have to walk 10km now to see if my motorcycle is there where i left it. happened for the 4th day in a row now,

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The problem was that most servers updated to the .5 but six launcher was still on .4 which caused you to get stuck in the loading screen which caused this

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Can anyone confirm this happens with camo clothing because its happening to me also and if so il just take it off when I log for the night

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