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ANZ 7 "dance dance dance" and hacked gear

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* Server this happened on: NZ 7

* Time that it happened including your timezone: 8:47pm - timezone GMT+10

* What happened during the incident:

Everybody on the server had the "dance dance dance" text pop up, went into a dancing animation, and had all of their gear replaced with hacked gear. L85 was replaced with a KSVK, all utilities filled up including a radio (though I had everything except for the radio). M9SD was replaced with a makarov SD. Backpack vanished. Given a ghillie in my gear. Already had NVGs and rangefinder so I don't know if they were given to all players as well.

Edit: Just realise that I no longer even have a slot for a backpack, so I take it this character is most likely screwed.


Any way to revert to my character an hour before this incident? A friend was quick enough to ctrl+alt+del and managed to avoid having his gear messed with. I aborted instead, and after going into another server realised the setup was obviously saved to the hive.

Edited by cherocha

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i was in server too..Got AK 107 something instead of the weapon u got.. got all the gear u stated...but i do have a backpack slot

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Was on the server when this happened, can confirm the details. I ctrl+alt+del'd out and escaped gear overwrite but I observed the dance animation with loss of controls. As I logged I noticed the gun on my back had changed, and was also a KSVK. Didn't check gear menu before logging.

Edited by Phyaran

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.. I ctrl+alt+del'd out and escaped gear overwrite ...

So if your ctrl+alt+del or alt+f4 you can avoid gear overwrite? Do you have to be particularly quick for this to work? I assume standard log out esc & abort will not save your gear?

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So if your ctrl+alt+del or alt+f4 you can avoid gear overwrite? Do you have to be particularly quick for this to work? I assume standard log out esc & abort will not save your gear?

In my experience (I can't speak from a game mechanic perspective) using ctrl+alt+del and ending the arma2oa.exe process is *more likely* to prevent permanent gear over-write than using abort (also I've seen people describing other situations with hackers where the abort button is greyed out, so not even trying to use it saves time in the event that they have disabled the button). Also being quick is potentially a factor (if you can kill the game before it writes to hive you're more likely to be in the clear), so if your computer chugs on ctrl+alt+del and takes ages to load task manager you're probably better off using abort.

Alt+F4 hasn't worked for me in-game for months.

This is merely an observation, I can't say for sure that it is indeed more reliable or whether it's just happened to be the case when I've observed it, but it's still standard practice for me to ctrl+alt+del in case of hacking instead of aborting.

Edited by Phyaran

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