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I have the "stuck at loading screen" ... anbd it seems, that iam not the only one with this problem.

After trying 50+ different Server with the same error i realzd one think:

I have 2 Servers where i play the most time... maybee i play ALWAYS on this 2 servs, they called

- fr.png?1163393039 DayZ - Germany 17 (v1.7.2.5/Beta 95883) [Veteran 3DP:1 CH:0 ][uTC-4] dayzmod.com - hosted by DAYZ.N8M4RE.DE (IP:

- at.png?1163393039 DayZ - AT 1 (v1.7.2.5/BETA 95883)[3P:on CH:off]dayzmod.com - Hosted by DAYZ.N8M4RE.DE (IP:

On this 2 servs i can connect WITHOUT the "stuck on loading screen" error. Each other server doesnt work!!

Possibly. is stored in the server database (Germany 17 + AT 1) my ID so I'm there on it easily. On the other hand on servers where I want the first time on it, I will not let it ... may be the hive or the database does not allow that my ID (or any other NEW id which the servers doesnt know) will wrote in to it.

I actually have 0 knowledge about the core engine of Arma ... But maybe that's still a useful approach

The dev. team of day Z gives a shit of this post and i dont ge tany answer... so no i ask the rest of the player... have you the same problem? Plz try to join compltly NEW server where u never played befor and tell me if you stuck at loading screen too

(sorry for bad english)

I use/try Arma 2 OA Beta patch 95724,95819, 95883

I Use Dayz Version

Launch with: Ingamebrowser, Armarize, Arma 2 Launcher, Six

Edited by cr4zyiv4n

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You can't expect a personal response from the dev team every time you have a problem, they wouldn't have any time left to actually make the game.

For any of us to help you we need to know which version you are running and what method you use to try and connect.

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Give me one server that you cant connect to and I try...


If I understand right you are running 95883

Edited by Drogur

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i have add the Servernames / ip in the first post.

This 2 Servers i join without any problem.

Each other Server doesnt work !!!!! Because (i think), i have never played there before.

The problem must be somewhere in the hive authentication... becaus of privat hife server or lingor server alle runs without any problems.

The only think i currently can do, is playing lingor... BECAUSE it runs much more stabel / better ...or better, IT RUNS!!

Edited by cr4zyiv4n

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i have add the Servernames / ip in the first post.

This 2 Servers i join without any problem.

Each other Server doesnt work !!!!! Because (i think), i have never played there before.

Try UK01

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From what you added when edit, I dont think you are interested in solving your Dayz problem.

I´m leaving this thread.

Edited by Drogur

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Try UK01

Connecting in to lobby works very fast... receiving & waiting for character to create very fast too .... and i can join the Server. But Why ? Why 50 other randm. sever dont work? Maybee i was playing sometimes befor on UK01 ?!

^^ damn server ... after 2 min on the server was killed ... after 28 days alive ^^

Edited by cr4zyiv4n

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