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Losing everything upon relog

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Hey, so my friend and i are running 95417, on a 95417 server.

So just earlier i was kicked for having too high ping, no problem, i relog but have nothing. All my weapons and tools are gone, even my flashlight :( but my inventory (food, ammo, bandages etc) remain.

Having recently died this wasnt too much of an issue, however my friend found a dead body and told me to come loot it. I run up and loot the body, Coyote backpack, M1911 and NVGs. I get kicked 5 minutes later, once again for too high ping. Fearing the worst i once again relog. And it's happened again, everything is gone except for food and a camping tent.

So what's going on here? Does anyone have a solution?

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mm i spawned at the coast with nothing

only my debug stats and hud stats was left

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