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DayZ Scimitar clan! Accepting young players!

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were scimitar,we are friendly and we dont shoot on site but if you ignore our warnings we will shoot, (anyone we can trust is welcome!)

Fill in these if you want to join.




How long you have been playing:

Why you want to join:

Join the resistance!!!!!!


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Name: Aaron

Age: 15

Skype: MilkySkillZ

Playing time: 1 week :D

why join: -

-Im tired of trying to survive alone and die to a group of bandits

-Make friends

-Allows younger players

-Im also from UK

btw just curious but what age are you guys?

Thanks Milky!

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Age: 15

Skype: funnyjunk255

how long I've been playing: about 2 weeks now

Reason for joining: Same reason as everyone else really, nothing much to do as the lone wanderer so i felt i needed to join a group to really appreciate the game.

P.S. Sorry my pal got the game and were gonna play together

Edited by Funnyjunk255

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Name: Aaron

Age: 16

Skype: coolaaron97

How long you have been playing: 1 month

Why you want to join: Been playing this game for a while and I would like a different perspective of the game asides from Lone Wolf. Thanks. Would love to see the clan side of this game.

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Name: kasey

Age: 15 - i sound a lot younger than i am becuase my voice hasn't broke, i sound about 8 or so :( / male

Skype: kbkasey

How long you have been playing: 1 - 2 weeks

Why you want to join: Because you accept younger players, and you seem mature. I also would like to play with other than being by my self all the time!

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Name : Osian

Age : 13 - Sound a lil older and mature for age (if i can say for myself)

Skype : OsianHD

How long have you been playing: about 1 month

Why do you want to join : I want to join because this clan accepts young players and also fed up of being alone

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Age:13 (Good at the game mature for my age, no pisssing about etc)


How long you have been playing:About 1 and a half months after it came out

Why you want to join:Because i feel although being in a clan/squad would kind of make dayz more intresting and team work is vital!

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Name: karel

Age: 16

Skype: karelke1996

How long you have been playing: 3/4 monds

Why you want to join: i like to join a group,

it's fun to play with people

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Name: Callum
Age: 13
Skype: Callum9141
How long you have been playing: at least a year.
Why you want to join: I would love to be part of a group and be in a lot of team situations as most of my time on dayz is on my own, i love to meet new people and have been looking for a friendly clan accepting people my age for a while and now that i found one i'm hoping i make it in. :D

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Name: Joseph.

Age: 12

Skype: None. I have Steam though. Add me. ArseofTheLord

Country/Timezone: West Coast, Republic of Ireland.

I will often kill if I feel threatened. But I try to help unarmed playerZ.

I act mature (Atleast, in my opinion). I might mess with people (Troll them in direct chat if they can't see me). I have a sense of humour. I Can take a joke. I will share my supplies.

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