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Couple of Q's--dead guys that don't look dead etc

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Just now I saw the strangest thing when I respawned near the westernnmost town, Kamenka (the one with the two overpasses to the west)--I got to a couple of trees and heard flies buzzing, so I look for a body. What I see is a dude standing stock still with his pistol in front of him, but unresponsive to anything, and I can loot him...so I did. Someone had already snagged his food and water, alas.

Also, what's up with those words that appear as I type in the chat? Are they shortcuts or something? If so how do you use them? Also, what's up with my dude throwing flares in 3rd person instead of firing his freaking gun?

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The upstanding corpse is a visual bug. The words you see are shortcuts, just hit space when they show up for them to auto fill in. Hit F to change weapon cycles, such as flares to gun. It also changes firing modes such as semi, burst, full.

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