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japesari High Ping Kicks/Bandwidth Usage

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Hey everyone,

Since updating to yesterday I've had issues with staying connected to servers which appears to be linked to excessive bandwidth usage by DayZ.


DayZ Version:

Arma2:OA Version: Rev 95883

I'm using a Billion 7800N, and have a 8mbit ADSL1 connection, which syncs at 8036kbit. This issue does not occur in regular ArmA2:OA or any of the expansions (PMC/BAF).

My character is currently located in Chernogorsk. Approximately 30-60 seconds after connecting to a server, I am removed for a high ping, usually 650+. I run a ping monitoring application and witness a rise in ping about 30 seconds after joining a server, regardless of whether it's full/empty or I'm moving/stationary for that period, and usually peaks around 1250ms, seemingly like it's maxing my connection. As soon as I'm booted from the server back to the role selection screen, the latency returns to its normal level until rejoining and waiting another 30 or so seconds. Have tried servers from around the globe, multiple local servers (AU/ANZ/NZ) as well as US/CA servers and DE/GB/FR servers (most European servers have ping kicks around 350, which is around my normal latency to Europe, but I'm still seeing the same spikes after a minute on those that don't).

Router/PC have of course been restarted. Have tested with a non-wireless isolated network to no avail. Didn't have any issues prior to update. Have tried removing and re-downloading the update but no change.

Thought this may be related to a Battleye update, but I've manually updated and then played OA to make sure it's up to date.

Edit: Occurs regardless of launching/joining from SixUpdater, DayZ Commander, or Executable.

If anyone can recommend some bandwidth monitoring software I'm happy to provide data.



Edited by japesari

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That's quite bizzarre. Seems like you've tried most simple things. Have you tried a wired internet connection? Maybe redownloading the Arma 2 games could help? But it seems to be specifically DayZ Odd.

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