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Sparks (DayZ)

Getting kicked by every server

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Hey guys, I've been gone from Day Z for about 2 weeks due to going on a trip so I haven't played since about July 28th or so.


Anyway when I got back I updated Day Z to from the previous version and got the latest Arma 2 beta which is 95883 (FYI I have the STEAM version). When I try to join a server I will successfully connect and enter the lobby of the server, however, after about 3 seconds the lobby vanishes and I get a message that reads "You were kicked off the game". This happens on ALL servers I try to join. It makes me think I may have been somehow globally banned or something except the message I'm getting just says I'm being kicked. This has been going on for a full day now.


Arma II: OA Beta 95883 (Steam version)

Day Z:

Six Updater


1. Restarted computer

2. Reinstall battle eye

3. Reinstall Arma 2 and Arma 2: OA

None of these have helped me and I'm at a loss as to what could have caused this. I have family members that also play this game and went on the same trip as me and they can connect just fine. Does anyone have any suggestions as to what I can do to fix this issue? I'm hoping if nothing else when I update to it will fix it, though I'm not holding my breath.

Edited by Sparks

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Try updating everything, even battle eye, you will have to probably go to the battle eye website and download the latest.

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Alright, Got it working now.

I used the control panel in windows to uninstall the games instead of steam, then manually deleted the @dayZ folder and made sure all other Arma 2 files in the steam folders were gone. I then reinstalled Arma 2 and Arma 2:OA using steam and Day Z using the six updater and I am no longer being kicked by servers.

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