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Sex Change

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I didn't know the update dropped, so the first server after version 6 popped me off and I didn't get to be a girl. Please reset or have the option to reset sex. My in-game name is Emily as well.

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I didn't know the update dropped' date=' so the first server after version 6 popped me off and I didn't get to be a girl. Please reset or have the option to reset sex. My in-game name is Emily as well.


Rocket has posted that there are issues with the gender system that need to be addressed and that he might change it to be chosen more then just once. Search around for his posts for more details.

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This isn't the place for this. Lots of people are having problems with the sex change. Hopefully it will be worked out in the next patch.

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There is an email request set up at the moment, for those with this specific problem. Its somewhere in the Announcements forum, under the topic.

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I never saw the option, so I never got to choose. So Im stuck with the fuckin male :D

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