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[] Inventory completely emptied!

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August 11, 2012 7:30 pm PST

What happened:

I had just updated my game to and updated arma to revision 95883. I was logging back into the server that I had previously played on a day or two ago (IP/Port I had logged out under/next to a tree in the forest west of the road near skalka. Upon joining that same server at the time above, I saw the message "BAM5 had died" (which is me) or something along those lines. I was then put in the server in what seemed to be the exact same spot that I logged out with, just with an absolutely barren landscape, there were no trees, or buildings, or anything (Screenshots provided). I was also shocked to find that everything in my inventory was completely gone! I mean everything, no backpack, nothing. Not even the items that you start out with. The only thing I had still was my gillie suit which I was wearing. I saw 3 people, one was close and I believe them to be my friend whom I had planned on playing with and two others in the distance which I believe would have been the tree line of the forest we were in if trees had actually appeared. Believing there was something glitchy going on I went to the lobby and rejoined the server. I was then at the coastline in between cherno and electro, like I had just spawned. I checked my inventory again, and there was still nothing. Not even the items that you spawn with. Although a strange thing is that I still had all my stats (Zombie kills, headshots, murders (which was 0 cause I'm a nice guy), etc, etc) and I still had my previous hunger and water and blood levels. I had my friend who was by me when I logged off last time check where we logged off for my body with my stuff on it, but there was nothing.



Where you were:

See Above

What you were doing:

Logging into a server

*Current installed version:

Just updated both of these


Arma: 95883

*Server(s) you were on:



This sucks ass! I had a bunch of good stuff too! I had an FN FAL with a NV scope, 2 sets of NV Goggles, Range finders, a GPS, Military flashlight, toolbox, pretty much all the basic tools (hatchet, etc) 6 mags for my FN FAL, 6 Mags for me M9 SD an alice pack with 8 meat, 2 morphine injectors, 3 water bottles, smoke grenade, etc, etc, etc. This is really fucking annoying, please fix major bugs like this because DAMN IT!!! Oh, might I add that THIS IS THE SECOND TIME I WAS KILLED BY A BUG! :< The first time I managed to get my stuff back. But this time, it doesn't seem like it's going to happen :/



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I had the exact same thing happen to me, I was also wearing a ghillie suit. Logged in with my friend, I immediately see "Ichabod has died" in the chat, and then I spawn back in a barren wasteland, with my friend beside me but not really, with nothing. I abort, come back, and it puts me on the coast right outside Elektro, with absolutely nothing, but keeping all my stats.

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I had the exact same thing happen to me, I was also wearing a ghillie suit. Logged in with my friend, I immediately see "Ichabod has died" in the chat, and then I spawn back in a barren wasteland, with my friend beside me but not really, with nothing. I abort, come back, and it puts me on the coast right outside Elektro, with absolutely nothing, but keeping all my stats.

Happened to me also. I logged yesterday outside of NW Airfield and when I got on today I was in a baron area left and joined a different server had nothing on me and spawned in cherno

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It just happened to me for the SECOND time in two days. What gives? I thought updates were supposed to make the game better...I've been playing this for quite a while now and I will be frank, every single update has pushed this game further and further downhill. At this point, fairly certain that the next update will kick it under the table. Holding on for WarZ.

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Another victim here. Happened twice now. Yesterday it said i died, lost all my stuff. Funny thing is people still see me with Ghillie Suit but it's not in my inventory. This morning when i logged in it happened again. I deleted my player profile and created a new one and that one also spawned with with nothing but also appearing as wearing a Ghillie suit, but the suit is not in my inventory.

I hope this bug can be fixxed quickly, cause this is making me crazy! :)

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Same here (I posted a topic with the exact same problem yesterday but it seems he hasn't been approved). It seems my character is broken somehow (as I always get my gear resetted) and it's more worrying than an one-time bug.

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Happened to two ghillie suit wearers on our sever after the patch. Identical to the OP's description.

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When you spawn at the coast without any gear at all, but with your stats, try running to where you logged out at before. It is very likely that you'll find your corpse with all your loot there.

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Same thing happened to me yesterday. Logged off for 10 minutes while sniping at NW airfield, logged back in to see the YOU ARE DEAD screen then i am in the middle of a debug field with nothing on me. Relog to see me off Solnichiy with nothing in my inventory but stats remaining the same.

I did manage to get back to where my original body was and was able to recover all my stuff but still... VERY ANNOYING!

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When you spawn at the coast without any gear at all, but with your stats, try running to where you logged out at before. It is very likely that you'll find your corpse with all your loot there.

That would be nice, IF my body wasn't a good 1 hour run from the coast ... all whilst trying to get there with nothing, not even a hatchet!

Edit: Yep, over it! Thought I'd try to get back to my body, respawned, collected some basic stuff from Cherno, then got sniped by some wanker ... cant wait till TheWarZ comes out.

Thanks Rocket and others that have worked on this mod, its been great fun but I'm fed up. CYA

Edited by EverReady

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I was looting NW Airfield the other day and logged out. Today i logged in just to spawn at elektro... but i still had all my gear. So it was ok for me. I played a little with a friend of mine then we decided to change server.

After i relogged, my alice pack, m4a1 cco sd, m9 and all my tools including night vison!!!!! was gone. I´m kind of pissed right now.

Is there a possibility to get the stuff back? It took me quite a while to get 14 clips of silenced ammo for the m4a1 cco sd....

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Same issues as original post, logged in told me I was dead, spawned me in one place, left the server in case it was just a bad server logged on to another server and that had me in a totally different place but with the same issue, no inventory items at all, no backpack or even the starting items.

Have since done a complete reinstall of game, patches and mod, this time not using the Six Updater, but manually installing, but I have the same issue, going to get myself killed to see if I have the same when it makes me a new character, after that I'll try creating a new game profile.

Edited by Hawk2350

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I had the same problem, running and beta 95883. Kept spawning back at coast as well. Died now cause some arsehole shot me as I was trying to find my bearing. Rather annoyed as I had some nice equipment.

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I had the same thing happen to me on an updated, private, non-HIVE server following a server restart. After receiving a server restart warning, my comrade and I landed our Huey in the vicinity of the NE Airstrip, saved the helicopter to retain it's contents (fruits of our crashed-heli hunt), then we both found a comfy tree to go prone under and promptly logged out; neither of us had a G-suit.

After server restart, I logged in, immediately saw my own death notification, and then found myself in the debug wasteland. I DC'ed to the lobby and then re-launched only to find myself west of Kamenka, with not one item in inventory (nothing -- no pack and no starter gear), naked except for my current stats which remained intact. My comrade logged back in to discover his pack completely empty, but everything else that was in his inventory was otherwise still there. Our helicopter had it's entire inventory wiped, so all that choice military loot was lost. Oddly enough, my comrade did find my dead body lying exactly were I logged out -- inventory fully intact.

What a fun update/hotfix (read: patch)!

Edited by Ragotag

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Same thing happened to me today after the update.

Logged off near the Sobor, updated and logged back in to see the YOU ARE DEAD screen then i am in the middle of a debug field with nothing on me.

Reloged near the Kamenka with nothing in my inventory but stats remaining the same and camo clothing.

When I come to Balota I had found that it is impossible to achieve it because of glitches… On many servers…

I thought I had patients (for the normal debag procedure) but seems not enough…

Edited by Hedgic

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i experiended the same thing here!!!

annoying you said...

all my gear has been lost and i died not a long time ago

on US 1343 the screen structure is glitchy near of stary sobor, NW airfield and airstrip!!!

i really don't know if i'm experiencing video card troubleshouting but i played before the .5 update and everythings was perfect...

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same happened to me, I had just found a mountain dew before i logged of too :(

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My in game name is Hans Gruber and this exact thing happened to me five minutes ago. I was 8km inland with a jeep and now i can't get back there -_-"

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Same thing here. For the THIRD time.

- Guillie suit


- Beta 95883

Same characteristics: Log in > Death message > Debug plains > Disconnect > Respawn on the coast with nothing but the ghillie and stats.

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