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So I was sniping

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So I was prone under a tree outside of a northern city, had not fired a shot yet for the sniping session. All of a sudden I get shot with a pistol in the head from behind. I head no footsteps or any movement at all. What walk, prone, crouch abilities while holding shift make no noise at all? When I try it in game I can hear myself doing all of those.

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He could have rolled there, could have teleported aswell :L

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so rolling is the only way to not make any sound at all while moving?

Yup. Although shifting does make quite a bit less noise. Maybe you just didn't hear him, how high do you keep your volume?

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Actually quick tapping of W while crouch running makes no noise either because you're constantly moving, so there's no chance to make the whole leaf shuffling noise, looks really funny though.

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i press the W button very fast click by click to avoid steps.

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He could have rolled there, could have teleported aswell :L

My understand was that rolling would make no noise on certain terrains. Others would make some noise.

Spawning there is an possibility.

Teleporting to you is the most likely way he got there.

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Well its better than being thrown hundreds of feet in the air and falling to your death. Happened to me earlier.

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Well its better than being thrown hundreds of feet in the air and falling to your death. Happened to me earlier.

Hah! Nice. Landing on objects above the ground will keep you from dying. You'll still break both legs and probably pass out though! Aim for burnt out cars.

Edited by NicksRocket

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Hah! Nice. Landing on objects above the ground will keep you from dying. You'll still break both legs and probably pass out though! Aim for burnt out cars.

This also works in real life. Although I'd aim for the roof of a house.

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Can I ask what the deal is with all the ghillies and sniping? I'm curious is all I'm not hating I would rather have an assault rifle and go looting and shit instead of staying in one spot looking for Zombies/Players to kill. I understand the ghillie can hide you in grass and bushes, I still don't see the big deal but everyone has them.

Edited by Uncle-Thugs

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