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So I was sniping

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So I was prone under a tree outside of a northern city, had not fired a shot yet for the sniping session. All of a sudden I get shot with a pistol in the head from behind. I head no footsteps or any movement at all. What walk, prone, crouch abilities while holding shift make no noise at all? When I try it in game I can hear myself doing all of those.

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So I was prone under a tree outside of a northern city, had not fired a shot yet for the sniping session. All of a sudden I get shot with a pistol in the head from behind. I head no footsteps or any movement at all. What walk, prone, crouch abilities while holding shift make no noise at all? When I try it in game I can hear myself doing all of those.

if u tap W for a mili second and keep doing it you'll make no sound, but it's very slow

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Depending on the server difficulty, you can see each other on the map if your close enough. I believe when you crouch walk to the left and right makes no sound, and also the rolling when prone. You could have also been spotted with a thermal. Or you very unlucky by him finding you

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