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Did you know only 28 vehicles spawn on server resets? and that only 15 of them are cars? Did you know when vehicles blow up they don't come back? Honestly when I played Taw_Tonic's wasteland before Dayz came out the balance of cars was pretty nice. For this I would expect 50-60 vehicles on the map. More civilian cars should be introduced there is too little variety. Vehicles in dayz should play a bigger role. Considering how many parts you find laying around.

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Totally agree on this. 50-60 is a good amount of vehicles and you would still need to take your time to actually find one. To actually make a vehicle working can either be the easiest or the hardest part. Sometimes you got to run around the map for hours just looking for parts. It would still be a challenge, but it would make it a bit more fun if it was added a few more vehicles.

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Yes, I agree. Last night I found six wheels, a couple of jerry cans, scrape mental and a few wind shields. Could I find a car...no...

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Did you know only 28 vehicles spawn on server resets? and that only 15 of them are cars? Did you know when vehicles blow up they don't come back? Honestly when I played Taw_Tonic's wasteland before Dayz came out the balance of cars was pretty nice. For this I would expect 50-60 vehicles on the map. More civilian cars should be introduced there is too little variety. Vehicles in dayz should play a bigger role. Considering how many parts you find laying around.

Difference is that my Dynamic Vehicle Spawning (DVS) system used in Wasteland took up a lot of network bandwidth. Wasteland is basically Dynamic Zombie Sandbox with the zombies taken out and with more RPG elements added. DZS is plagued by network issues because of the large amounts of CPU intensive zombies and vehicles.

DayZ uses many more zombies than DZS, and I think Rocket's reasoning behind limiting the Vehicles is performance based.

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