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Lights Out

Dead players turning to zombies

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Says who? Why couldn't the infection be like the walking dead where it requires a dead host in order to become active but can remain dormant until death in a living host?

Says the developer...

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@Kra - That sounds great. Sometimes when I'm playing DayZ I wish I was just watching AI roam aimlessly in a field for hours on end, hoping that a player will eventually chance upon the town I'm in, and even then he probably wouldn't kill me and I'd still be left there waiting... For someone to end my miserable existance.

Seriously, the loading screens are enough without this bollocks. You're an idiot.

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Where's your sense of adventure?

You'd be a walking loot piñata. And also more reason to have teammates in game.

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Where's your sense of adventure?

You'd be a walking loot piñata. And also more reason to have teammates in game.

lol only thing is if you don't have a team mate or the person you've been surviving with decides to be an ass, you could be watching your reanimated zombie self walk around for quite a while lol I dont think it would work. Sounds cool but when considering many possible situations, it wouldn't work

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Where's your sense of adventure?

You'd be a walking loot pi

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maybe.. on the side bar, there should be infection levels. which can be attained in certain ways

zombie attacks mostly

sorta like hunger, and when it runs out you transform and die.

but, antibiotics can cure it or some sort of anti virus can raise your resistance levels again.

there for, being shot in the face, you can still loot the dead person, but then other members simply killed by zombies may escape but succumb later to the virus.

makes medicine even more important as it shud be. maybe this could even make heat packs useful?

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And what if you don't want teammates?

Rocket's already said that we (the survivors) are all immune to the infection anyway. So good luck with that...

So then kill yourself, you'd only "turn" if you succumbed to the infection. Go jump off a tower, set yourself on fire, add an option to put a gun in your mouth.

If you tried to beat the hunger, it's your own fault if you turn into a zombie.

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You do know the suicide option was just removed because it was being abused, right?

Anyway, you conveniently ignored the part where I informed you that this idea is impossible. Everyone playing this game is immune to the zombie infection... That's why we're still alive and everyone else is a zombie.

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You do know you can respawn if you have broken legs, why not something like this.

And I ignored that part because it's relevant. That part of the story is definitely not set in stone, as last I recall rocket is still working with his virologist brother to get something solid worked out. And noone is ever immune, who's to say the virus couldn't mutate. Otherwise what's the current infection/sickness getting around? Just a cold?

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Well it's treatable with antibiotics and also attainable by being too cold so I doubt it's the zombie virus. Hurr durr.

I would assume it's an infected wound but I can't say for sure of course.

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Not really going to add anything to game play but if Rocket gave the ability to customize your player in the game, it would be cool if your character became a zombie in that server if/when you die.

I don't mean that the player would become a zombie but so that your player now roams the server as an A.I. controlled zombie.Would kind of be cool to come across one of your old characters in the game as a zombie. That would add to the realism.

Hi mate,

Not shamelessly plugging my own thread.. BUT i believe you will like it as i cover this and a fairly feasible way to lead up to this end and the suggestions that followed are very interesting from the player base. Again my intention is not to hijack but to expand.


I think you will like it.

Best Regards


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Updated my original post refining the feature and adding what I feel this feature will give the game. Let me know what you think.

Edited by Lights Out

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