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My story with dayZ

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>Me and a friend bought ArmaII on the summer sales

>We start playing on the same day, but we both are noob and don't make much progress

>I manage to equip myself very well, with a G17, Ak74, Nightvision Goggles, better backpack

>I started dying of hungry, and as i was astounished with my new itens, we agreed id wait for my friend till he could get food for us both and he would met me at Pulkovo.

>2 weeks later, he is ready for saving me

>DayZ is bugged, and i had a lot of problems starting it up

>After a lot of trying, we manage to get the game working and we are together and well equiped, finally!

>Some guy in a gillie suit appears and runs around us, right were we spawned

>He stops running

>We shoot at him, i spent my whole AK magazine right on his chest, we both would have killed him easily

>He just types in chat - "You'll get killed for that"

>And with 2 bullets, he kill us both.

Hacker or we are just too noob? Have been years since i felt soo frustrated with a game.

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Sounds like a hacker, dont get frustrated - this game is unfair jsut like the real life :P

i wa splaying so utterly carefull and boring, got shot by a guy on a server with 4 ppl aside form me

next spawn i run into cherno aggro zeds, throw around literally 15 road flares ( night time ) -> dont get shot by sniper, loot weapons food backpack compass knife matches


and btw: this isnt /b/, why the fuck are you using the > for every new line ? it makes me sick seing this shit - sorry for the offense

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