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omgwtfbbq (DayZ)

Your body should disappear after death

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Being able to loot bodies after death has removed one major aspect of DayZ: perma-death. Now, it is non existent. Someone can either:

A. Die, then run back to where they died, getting all of their stuff back.

B. Set up a tent, die, then run back to the tent to get top tier gear again.

C. Die, and have their buddies hold their stuff until they run back to meet up with them, then return the gear.

Can someone tell me how A or C are "realistic"?

It's a nice idea in theory, because in real life, if you kill someone, you can take whatever they had on them. However, that doesn't really work in DayZ, because of all of the people who find loopholes to avoid perma-death.

If you do A, B, or C, then shame on you. You are missing out on a HUGE part of DayZ. Being able to loot bodies should be removed, because not only would it return the perma-death feeling, but it would cut down on people killing each other. People would have far fewer reasons to "KoS", because you can't kill that person for their stuff anymore. REAL banditry might return because of it, because then someone's more valuable alive than dead. People wouldn't be able to get top-tier gear in two hours, then bitch on the forums about what to do next. Since when the hell is DayZ realistic? It's authentic, not realistic.

Your body should be un-lootable to everybody when you die. Tents should go away if you die. No respawn crutches for anybody.

OR!! How about: Only the person who killed you can loot your body?

OR!! How about: All gear on the person who died can no longer be held/used by the same person?

EDIT: It's funny how the most likely reason why everyone disagrees is because they do this respawn crutch themselves, and without it, the game would be too hard or boring for their 20 minute attention span.

Edited by omgwtfbbq

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what the hell are you talking about? dissapearing bodies? are you serious! it removes realism even more from the game since that's what everyone wants so stop being a baby about it

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what the hell are you talking about? dissapearing bodies? are you serious! it removes realism even more from the game since that's what everyone wants so stop being a baby about it

Tell me more about how in real life, you can die, then go to where you died, and get your stuff back.

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OP that suggestion makes no sense. If you were to really die in zombie apocalypse would your items on said body dissappear or be there for the next survivor to loot? Dissappearing items is not a good idea. PVP would render no items the fun would be slid out from under us....

Edited by Priceless

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dude, we are trying to be realistic here. And making it disappear it's not realistic at all :( You can make it disappear after looting it, thats what i do so other pple can't take the gear that I left behind.

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One of the worse ideas I've seen. I see your reasoning but it removes quite a bit realism from the whole game.

The only thing I could reccomend here is to make it so that you can't loot your own body.

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This is just another one of his MANY posts in which he instructs everyone on how they should play the game.

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Let me guess Tom Cruise beams your body up after you die and runs off to planet X with your loot? AMAZING. The whole point of having loot on bodies is replacing the whole "Boss" thing all other mmos have with an extremely unpredictable human player, the ultimate fight for the chance to get the best gear. I can't believe you would get rid of bodies. Leaving a tent out doesnt give you top tier gear again, there is no guarantee that your gear will stay there with all the players running around. If you cant kill someone then secure the body to loot it so they or their friends dont get it, then you just wasted a life for no reason. You need to be the reason they dont run and get their gear back. Kill would be literally pointless then.

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This is just another one of his MANY posts in which he instructs everyone on how they should play the game.

Well then it's very clear that you haven't read any of what I've posted in the past, because if you did, then you might realize that I never instruct anybody how to play the game. It's either A. A suggestion on things to do while playing DayZ, which is why it's in the suggestion part of the forum, or B. A suggestion for the game, which is still in the suggestions part of the forums.

Edited by omgwtfbbq

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Well then it's very clear that you haven't read any of what I've posted in the past, because if you did, then you might realize that I never instruct anybody how to play the game. It's either A. A suggestion on things to do while playing DayZ, which is why it's in the suggestion part of the forum, or B. A suggestion for the game, which is still in the suggestions part of the forums.

Sure thing champ.

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Its called, the person who killed you, needs to hide your body. I'm done here, up up and away

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How about you can't loot your own corpse?

Wouldn't make a difference. Your friends that you were playing DayZ with could pick up your stuff, then hold it until you get back to where they are, which is doing the same thing as being able to loot your own body.

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If you can't loot bodies, then there's no point in pvp then.

Edited by Beanus

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Tell me more about how in real life, you can die, then go to where you died, and get your stuff back.

Tell us all more about how in real life, you can die, then respawn.

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Wouldn't make a difference. Your friends that you were playing DayZ with could pick up your stuff, then hold it until you get back to where they are, which is doing the same thing as being able to loot your own body.

Dont get me wrong, groups hording gear is annoying as hell, I agree. BUT you cant get mad that a group of players were able to survive an attack from another person. they deserve to be able to re obtain gear. If you or the person trying to kill someone cant finish the job then thats too bad, ( the job being securing the body and its contents, or just destroying the body and everything on it)

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Tell us all more about how in real life, you can die, then respawn.

Lol yeah how about you get ONE life. theres realism for you :D boom headshot, oh sorry you're dead but thanks for buying our game :D

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I'm torn. On the one hand, being able to loot your own corpse is kind of cheap. On the other hand, other people looting your corpse is a game mechanic that makes sense and is a justifiable excuse for player killing. Considering the existence of bandit skins, we can now identify people who do this sort of thing.

Most people die surrounded by zombies or in the middle of a firefight, so it's not exactly an easy thing to recover. And everyone has a fair shot at getting your body back.

I think the real problem is tents and their capacity and persistence, not so much the limited storage of a single corpse dying and dropped in the middle of a warzone. At least you have to work for that.

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Tell me more about how in real life, you can die, then go to where you died, and get your stuff back.

Didn't read rest of thread may have already been said, BUT...

In real life you would have played this game probably an hour tops before you were killed by zombies the first time and then just like in real life you don't respawn, you are dead and left to go wherever your beliefs tell you that you will and then oh well guess it's time for a new game to play because this one is REALISTIC.

Edited by kayakinack

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Honestly. This thread is just ridiculous. It a GAME! It doesnt have to follow the laws of physics and reality. You want bodies to disappear after you die? Like right away? That means there is no point in pvp at all, as everyone has mentioned. Tell me about how in real life, your body disappears right when you die. If you seriously want it to be as realistic as real life, then go and die in game, then never play it again. Problem solved.

TL;DR - Want perma-death? Go die, then never play again. Problem solved

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Honestly. This thread is just ridiculous. It a GAME! It doesnt have to follow the laws of physics and reality. You want bodies to disappear after you die? Like right away? That means there is no point in pvp at all, as everyone has mentioned. Tell me about how in real life, your body disappears right when you die. If you seriously want it to be as realistic as real life, then go and die in game, then never play it again. Problem solved.

TL;DR - Want perma-death? Go die, then never play again. Problem solved

*clearly didn't read the "OR!!" part at the end*

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*clearly didn't read the "OR!!" part at the end*

Nope. Just did, and I still dont agree. What if you kill someone, then I kill you just as your about to loot that body? That means I cant loot it. Not really fair. Then what if 2 guys come kill me, who are in turn killed by another murderous person, then by the original dead player? that means hes screwed out of loot. Think about the big picture. How much loot goes around when it is stolen from people or shared. 1 gun could be used by a hundred people, but that system just means that once they had it, they cant use it anymore unless they find another one, which is hard if its something special like a weapon that only spawns at airfields or barracks, etc.

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Nope. Just did, and I still dont agree. What if you kill someone, then I kill you just as your about to loot that body? That means I cant loot it. Not really fair. Then what if 2 guys come kill me, who are in turn killed by another murderous person, then by the original dead player? that means hes screwed out of loot. Think about the big picture. How much loot goes around when it is stolen from people or shared. 1 gun could be used by a hundred people, but that system just means that once they had it, they cant use it anymore unless they find another one, which is hard if its something special like a weapon that only spawns at airfields or barracks, etc.

*clearly didn't see the other "OR!!"*

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*clearly didn't see the other "OR!!"*

I read both the OR!!'s Clearly you did not read my statement. I covered both of them quite well. Sorry if I went over your head by using chain kills to try to get my point across.

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