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Lets remove even more control from the server admins!

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Those lines in the log where created EVERY TIME the server would read or write from/to the hive and you don't see why it's something they might not want you to get?

Are you ever going to address a single point?

You mentioned corruption, which is utter nonsense. Anyone who wishes to be malicious or abusive has far easier and cheaper ways than using the log file. Removing the log file does exactly nothing.

We don't need server admins to stand on guard against cheating, only to keep servers in working order. When it comes to cheating we only need better anti cheat capabilities.

Every single time I'm on a server that reaches a 30+ population a hacker will show up within minutes. Rocket himself has said the hacking issues are at the heart of the engine. It highly improbable there will be an anti-cheat powerful enough any time soon. If there comes a point that such an anti-cheat is available then that is when you neuter the log files and start blacklisting servers for banning. Until then, it is sorely needed.

Oh it looks like my prayers where heard -> http://dayzmod.com/f...cheat-features/

It's another step, not a solution.

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Those lines in the log where created EVERY TIME the server would read or write from/to the hive and you don't see why it's something they might not want you to get?

We don't need server admins to stand on guard against cheating, only to keep servers in working order. When it comes to cheating we only need better anti cheat capabilities.

Oh it looks like my prayers where heard -> http://dayzmod.com/f...cheat-features/

Kyrah, your undying devotion to the Dev Team is fabulous, but we've got a monetary stake in our servers and I'd like to be able to protect my server rather than praying for an anti-cheat engine which has failed at every turn ( and even accidentally banned innocent people ).

While I welcome any assistance that Battleye wants to provide, I again posit that this game has been out for YEARS without any sort of attention on this front, and it's taken this game's publicity for these issues to get addressed. That's freaking pathetic and smacks of desperation rather than a resolve to do things right.

If, however, these updates actually do result in hacking being significantly reduced, I'm all for it.

And l0p, are you running a server? I'd love to see it - again, most of the guys running scripts are running modified versions that can slip past the script restrictions, which was way the logs were so useful in determining when someone was injecting modified scripts. They're not running bypasses, mostly because most of the cheat sites don't offer up their own bypasses and ask people to 'code their own'. The public bypasses very quickly get shut down because they're just that: public.

But hey, you're the all knowing source here with your fake statistics and snarky attitude. We DO happen to be on the same side here: the side that advocates that the development team ought to not be hamstringing our ability to monitor our own servers. Let's focus on that, which is the point of this thread.

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I have a devotion for no one, but i happen to be working on a personal project that is very close to DayZ on some points, so i tend to see a lot of those issues from a developer standpoint. I have to admit, if/when my project ever gets to a point that warrant an "open" alpha, beta i won't be as "cool" as the dayZ team. SO yeah i tend to take dayz quite personally :)

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Why dont you consider this a gift that you cant be banning people illegally? Your lucky you havent ended up blacklisted. Rocket said himself the ONLY reason @ ALL to ban ANYONE is racism basically.

unless you can PROVE a player is hacking (which is pretty damn hard), then you CANNOT Ban. DUPING is not a banable offense....

well when i can scan the logs properly i could prove they were cheating when player a got from point a on the map to point b in less than a second then i see a teleport.sqf script or fasttravel.sqf or my favorite one gunsandammo.sqf then im not really worried about being black listed as the proof is in black and white.

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Exactly. I find quite ironic that everyone complains about cheaters and thunderdomes and rather than expand the log file capabilites dayz patch cuts them down to nothingless. As I was looking at the new sorry excuse of a log file that we have I wonder how long do I want to keep a server up when it's free for cheaters to abuse everyone and all I can do about it is read 'WRITE: PASS'. Lol.

Oh, cheats for the new build are of course up and running.

Dont forget "Local event" too lol

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