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Hacker on CA 11

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I will start with the unfortunate fact that I have no proof besides my words and perhaps the server logs. I was obviously not anticipating to run into a hacker, but what happened should be backed up by the logs. I killed the character Fisty (who took nearly a full clip of m4a1 ammo to drop, and had a FNFAL) and his friend (who was trolling the server over side channel) Casey was quick to complain and troll some more. We (me and one buddy)were teleported into the air, about 30 meters from our position in the warehouse near the 6 hangers at NW AF. I alt-f4'd as quick as possible, but my friend was less fortunate and i'm sure is dead.

The server was Canada 11, and had nearly 35 people on at the time. All I ask is that you look into it. My friend's name was , (yes, a comma :D). I went back into the server to see if every one else was good, and it seems that we were the only ones teleported...and the perps had obviously left the server by that time.

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Reminds me of when I shot at a heli and it almost crashed into the ocean...

2 minutes later I dropped dead instantly for no reason after the heli flew away. I don't know what the hackers get out of doing an unfair revenge, but it will always happen.

I guess thanks for the update so we can avoid the server. Do you know the players names, since you killed them?

Edited by CerebralZombie

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Reminds me of when I shot at a heli and it almost crashed into the ocean...

2 minutes later I dropped dead instantly for no reason after the heli flew away. I don't know what the hackers get out of doing an unfair revenge, but it will always happen.

I guess thanks for the update so we can avoid the server. Do you know the players names, since you killed them?

Yup, Fisty was the guy I killed (took way more shots then any other person i've killed, which has been quite a lot), and Casey was his buddy (who then asked the server who killed him, as if that isn't obvious enough!).

I'll just avoid that server, but you are right, it is sad that they can't take us on legitimately, and need to stoop to cheating to compete.Chances are that FN FAL was scripted in like-a-boss. I bet their totally real girlfriends were impressed.

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