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Looking for group/clan to play with

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Been playing awhile, but lately if I'm solo, its just boring. I was playing with a huge group, but most have left or something so now there's barely 5 people I see on most times.

skype nicspov

steam inic81

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Hello I am also looking for a group I have one friend who plays but I am looking for some more players. My Steam is Sir Tubez however when me and my friend play DayZ we use his Teamspeak server but if you want to join us you are more than welcome.

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I'll join you. Meet at elektro power station now. Skype: pointybrownshoes. I'll add you on skype tomorrow at about noon time.

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Hey if anyone's looking to group up, I've got a TS3 server and need some more people to roll with. Hit me up with a message if you want in

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