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A way to stop camping, & loot runs

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Citys and miltary places are a nightamre of people either trying to tear through them when they spawn for quick loot, & players wanting to grief those that do.

Miltary grade hardware and higher tier medical supplies should be found if very rarly in the wild.

Justification for this as far as the 'world' narative, it looks like most towns and barraks were abandond, it wouldnt be too much of A stetch to find dead soldiers held up in barns houses etc... with asspects of said kit intact.

this would greatly help reduce the death match vibe the game is getting and help retain the brutal PvP across a wider area

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it's not reducing it in the slightest, it's jsut making it less 'gamey' those places would still be the best bet for good loot, just not the only way to obtain it.

I'm a big beliver in the PVP mechanic, but i'm also a beliver in a more realistic 'enviroment'; this would cut down on the camping and new player griefing.

yet still retain the high risk high rewards that those zones offer, those that want a death match arena can still find it there. Althouhg it does baffle my people use this game for that.

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if you want wild loot find visit the watch towers - I found an M4A3 CCO in one, and they are the only places I have found GPS boxes

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they aren't the only way to obtain it.

Deer stands are technically "in the wild" and the best weapons I've had are from those.

And if your problem is that there's lots of PvP in certain areas, why would you want to spread that out everywhere?

The point of the game is that it's logical where things spawn. Barns have hunting rifles and shotguns, hospitals have meds, and military posts give you better weapons.

If you want to avoid PvP, then you should go live in the woods. If you want good gear, then you should go fight for it. That's the point of the game.

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As far as i'm aware the best ie: Silenced wepons can only be found at miltary bases.

Which are camped, farmed, and exploited to insane degree by some players.

It's not that they're dangeroues that bothers me (although that is a good reason not to go), it's just that they seem to be faremd ie: collect loot, disconect, wait 20 mins reconect collect loot etc.. I know i've done it myself, (before realising how stupid a thing it is to do as far as enjoyment).

I don't want to dictate how someone chooses to play the game, this surgestion just allows for greater play style freedoms.

I will also say again I LIKE PVP. IT MAKES THE GAME

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I just want more randomization of the bigger weapons, magazines, etc. This would not only stop the game from being "predictable" but would also curb leaping from server to server to farm those mags for that M107, etc.

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Military Bases are going to be dangerous places, that's how it would be in real life.

If you want the gear in these locations you have to take the risk or simply don't go there.

High Value military weapons should not be randomly spawned in the forest (not counting Deer stands- they are fine) since it would make no sense. If there was a torched/damaged Humvee with soldier dead- then there can be some good gear but still the best stuff would be locked up at the Military Base/Hanger.

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Military Bases are going to be dangerous places' date=' that's how it would be in real life.

If you want the gear in these locations you have to take the risk or simply don't go there.

High Value military weapons should not be randomly spawned in the forest (not counting Deer stands- they are fine) since it would make no sense. If there was a torched/damaged Humvee with soldier dead- then there can be some good gear but still the best stuff would be locked up at the Military Base/Hanger.


thats why i said you could randomly & rarely stumble upon dead soldiers held up in barn after abandoning their posts.

I belive that does make sence, it also randomises the loot drop placemnets making it far less 'gamey'

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...it wouldnt be too much of A stetch to find dead soldiers held up in barns houses etc... with asspects of said kit intact.

I agree. I don't like always knowing for sure what kind of loot you will find in certain locations, it would be nice to add a more random factor occasionally, i.e. your example or a soldier crawled into a supermarket looking for food and died, leaving an M4 + clips (the probability of this should be very low though).

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Agreed, I doubt there would be much military grade hardware left at the barracks anyway because im guessing the military would have run off with it.

The best way to slow down farmers is by making equipment take up more slots etc, so two slots for a weapon magazine would really put a slug in the pipe and would increase difficulty.

another way would be to make it so recently spawned survivors can only find basic provisions for say 10 to 20 mins, that equals food and water.

A third way is by removing the loot as an overall so only a few mags will appear every blue moon.

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Guest ragequitalready


Edited by ragequitalready

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But you can get this' date=' with a well equipped survivor crawling to their death in a supermarket or some corner of a city[/quote']

OK, but the chances are most survivors crawl into loot areas like supermarkets, crawl out and die elsewhere, where their bodies are not likely to be found before they despawn. I really think the game should throw a few random 'bones' to players to balance this, as the OP says.

By the way, if a player dies and his body depspawns, is there a way to make his loot persist rather than sinking into the ground along with him? That at least would be an improvement.

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Guest ragequitalready


Edited by ragequitalready

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I really think the game should throw a few random 'bones' to players to balance this

I really think that the game shouldn't' date=' you can already find everything you need to live indefinitely in the space of 30 minutes if you know where to look.


It's not about just finding what you need, its about creating the illusion of a random and excitingly disordered world, hence the suggestion that occasionally rare items spawn in unusual places - adding interest and excitement and preventing the game becoming a 'routine' of patrolling the same old loot spots. I really can't see why this wouldn't be an improvement and I struggle to understand the conservatism of some people here, as if they are opposed to any further changes in this Alpha software.

To keep people coming back for more, unpredictability is key.

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I agree to the extent that I would like to see "good loot" spawn more in random spawns that pop up randomly around the map and less in set spawn areas.

Like create a list of 500 possible "wrecked humvee" spawn spots all over the map and have 10 of them up at a time. Loot one, it goes away and another one spawns in its place in one of the 500 random locations.

Getting good military loot would then consist more of searching and exploring and less of just going to one of the few known good locations and camping it.

I love the PvP but "sitting in one spot farming tents" is lame no matter how you look at it.

Similarly, civilian loot could show up in random wrecked cars, random corpses, etc. People should want to move around more rather than looting the same shop over and over and over.

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I agree to the extent that I would like to see "good loot" spawn more in random spawns that pop up randomly around the map and less in set spawn areas.

Like create a list of 500 possible "wrecked humvee" spawn spots all over the map and have 10 of them up at a time. Loot one' date=' it goes away and another one spawns in its place in one of the 500 random locations.

Getting good military loot would then consist more of searching and exploring and less of just going to one of the few known good locations and camping it.

I love the PvP but "sitting in one spot farming tents" is lame no matter how you look at it.

Similarly, civilian loot could show up in random wrecked cars, random corpses, etc. People should want to move around more rather than looting the same shop over and over and over.


Yes +1

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Well I think the Humvee idea is a good one but what about like the police?

There are no Police Stations or cop cars I think it would make alot of sense to have them in the game it could spawn better guns in cities and towns then just the Winny and a M1911

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Well I think the Humvee idea is a good one but what about like the police?

There are no Police Stations or cop cars I think it would make alot of sense to have them in the game it could spawn better guns in cities and towns then just the Winny and a M1911

agree, I have seen plenty of awesome-looking police zombies, so adding what you suggest would work great IMO.

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Well I think the Humvee idea is a good one but what about like the police?

There are no Police Stations or cop cars I think it would make alot of sense to have them in the game it could spawn better guns in cities and towns then just the Winny and a M1911

agree' date=' I have seen plenty of awesome-looking police zombies, so adding what you suggest would work great IMO.


Thanks Mandrake, its funny I came up with this idea weeks ago but have been so busy playing this game lol, ive got a couple of ideas but this was my first idea because on my first day in Day Z, I went into Electro and was shocked and confused that their was no police station if I was in a zombie apocalypse I know that is the first place I would look for guns.

Make them have spawn like idk M9's and those pump shottys, they can also rare spawn something like M16 or Aks, and they could also have some other stuff spawn like maps and what not.

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[the suggestion that more good gear spawns in more places for yucks] is about creating the illusion of a random and excitingly disordered world

why do we need an illusion? the people in DayZ make the game excitingly disordered AND THERE ARE ALREADY DEER STANDS, OTHERS' CORPSES AND CRASHED HELICOPTERS FOR YOUR RANDOM LOOT DEMANDS

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