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Death by Dehydration

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How do I prevent this? It seems I become thirsty faster than I become hungry, and I've only found one soda can before. I've been in several barns and houses, but none of them seem to have any soda/water/canteens. What do you normally do to stay alive?

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Coke, Pepsi, Full/Empty Water Bottles are everywhere ... even zombies have plenty of them ...

Try harder

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How is this a troll post Aerodith? Learn what trolls are before posting something stupid.

On topic: Check out grocery stores. It's a great place to grab some starting gear, food and drinks.

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Look harder :huh:. High value residential and shops are your best bet.

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It's a shame you can't directly drink from wells/ponds. I'm sure that from the 1405y of gametime someone died right next to a well of dehydration.

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I died from dehydration earlier this week. It was so lame. I lost my M4A1 CCO.

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I would recommend always carrying a few water bottles. Most people will make fun of me for this and say "durr soda is so common though durr", but look at it this way. Soda is common, but it isn't a GUARANTEE to drop. I've found when I need it most, there is no soda to be found. Carrying a water bottle or two (five in the case of my "special" friend who is deathly afraid after dying to this once) ensures that you know EXACTLY where you can get more water.

Use the map at DayZ database to determine which houses are lootable and which are not, as well as which have better drop rates. Higher value houses have more loot nodes, which means a higher chance of getting food or water.

When all else fails, if you have no bottles and you're nowhere near a good lootable building, you can use what we call the Zombie Delivery Service. Say a quick prayer to the Boar Gods and start killing all the zombies you see. Chances are they will deliver what you ordered, although it can take a bit.

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for the op. you hydrate faster then you get hungry and so is it something like in real life aswell. 3 days without water 3 weeks without food." But in daz you need both quite a bit sooner then that. keep in mind actions deplete both faster aswell. Try just normal running for a change instead of sprinting, sprinting dehydrates quite fast. and like the rest said. Get into residental buildings try and find some pepsi, coke, mountain dew. If you got some water bottles full or empty use them. Empty ones you need to fll first at any water source except rain and the ocean

edit apologies for the gray color but it deceided to make it all black for no reason

Edited by Onaturi

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I've almost bottomed out on my dehydration meter before. Carry a water bottle. Carry two. Hell, carry three and drink every soda you come across.

Last thing you need is to have your dehydration level drop and think, "I HAVE to go into the city right now and search every building no matter what."

You should only enter cities if you have to or if you're looking for a fight. And, ideally, you should never enter a city because you have to.

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Sadly, water bottles are more rare to find than ammunition. I've been lucky with finding them by certain farmhouses - and outhouses. In my first game, I tried again, and again, and again, to fill a whiskey bottle with water. From the in-game command messages, it seemed like I should be able to do it. So I died of thirst in a pond.

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Supermarkets are your best bet, otherwise general residential spawns. Once you get your hands on a water bottle or two, you should never go thirsty. I carry 3 right now, just because I'm paranoid like that, but honestly I've only ever drank the 2nd one twice, and both times I was able to refill within a couple minutes. Just gotta keep and eye out for bodies of water and wells.

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Like the other ones already said - carry some water bottles. For me, I have always 3 food and 3 bottles in my coyote. ALWAYS. And if I need one of them I'm going to stock it up within the next hour. I'm alive for 60 days now.

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Like the other ones already said - carry some water bottles. For me, I have always 3 food and 3 bottles in my coyote. ALWAYS. And if I need one of them I'm going to stock it up within the next hour. I'm alive for 60 days now.

same here and i never died because i ran out of water or food. It must be always your main priority to save enough of food and drinks. When i go out for a big run i take 4 waterbottles with me, but trust my experience. three are more than enough.

so long Rudson

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It's a shame you can't directly drink from wells/ponds. I'm sure that from the 1405y of gametime someone died right next to a well of dehydration.

well that was lol

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I'm not sure why so many people are saying water bottles are rare, I find them all over the place. I have two on my person, and two in my tent.

Just go to residential spawns, you will find them sooner or later. Never travel without at least one morphine, a canteen or multiple sodas, 2-3 food items, 2-3 bandages, and 1-2 painkillers.

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I usually pick up every can of whatever I find. I was lucky the other day and found a water bottle, I always drink that first because I can refill it.

Just don't leave any liquids behind if you can avoid it.

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It's a shame you can't directly drink from wells/ponds. I'm sure that from the 1405y of gametime someone died right next to a well of dehydration.

They should make it were we are able to catch rain with items like empty whiskey bottles etc.... anything that could catch it. Also I think they should expand the time it takes to die from dehydration/hunger.

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