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†Bloodline Recruiting† [DayZ Clan / 18+ / Teamspeak]

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Clan Info:

Bloodline Is a new clan that owns Its own server and teamspeak. At the moment we are looking to recruit new members to our group.

We are a very active clan with 5-8 players at the moment. Honor, Loyalty, Respect that's our clan motto. We shoot on sight.

Timezone: (UTC-05:00) Eastern Time (US & Canada)



mature attitude



Must speak fluent english

must be active (If your not so active or you play certain days let us know)


No Clan Killing

No stealing

No drama (If there is a problem between you and any other member Inform the Clan leaders)



steam name:

how long have you played:


equipment you currently have:

If there are any questions feel free to msg me on the forums or on steam. Steam name: maddcorps

Edited by sushirokun
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Age: 19

steam name: Good Guy Greg

how long have you played: 3weeks to a month give or take

Timezone: Eastern

equipment you currently have: Primary: M16A2 Secondary: m1911 Coyote backpack with an m9SD (no mags) Ghillie. (I have like 6 ghillies from raiding a tent earlier today.)

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Age: 24

Steam Name: {GbK}Smoothie

How long Ive played: About 1 month

Timezone: PST

Equipment: none, recently died Northern Airstrip, Looking for group to do the bandit thing with!

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Age: 21

steam name: thamailmann

how long have you played: 3-4 weeks

Timezone: est

equipment you currently have: as50 with ammo ghillie, rockin a makarov like a boss and other essentials

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Age: 22

steam name: uug100 (i dont play dayz through steam)

how long have you played: 4 months

Timezone: Az mountain

equipment you currently have: ak-74, g17, gps, coyote pack, misc.

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Age: 25

steam name: pwnapal0oza

how long have you played: day1

Timezone: pacific

equipment you currently have: m4 rifle, m19 pistol, alice pack with m24 sniper and every tool except NV

Ready for War

PS: you should post timezone

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Age: 25

steam name: pwnapal0oza

how long have you played: day1

Timezone: pacific

equipment you currently have: m4 rifle, m19 pistol, alice pack with m24 sniper and every tool except NV

Ready for War

PS: you should post timezone

thanks for the tip posted it now.

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Age: 17, But turning 18 in 7 days

steam name: Zeephoze

How long have you played? second day it came out :D

Timezone: EST Canada (Ontario)

Current Equipment: Currently none, Because of the fact of elektro snipers = / (I had, M4A1 CCO CAMO, All Essentials including NVG's and RF's. I had a AS50 in my backpack (im a DM) and so on)

(Edit Application

Extra Info: I like to snipe, my friends call me the DM, (Designated Marksman), I usually enjoy my AS50 sniping. My current sniper confirmed kill count since may is over 310+, And I have Arma and Arma 2 experience, ( Especially with PR)

Hope you accept me! And sorry if you have to supply me, But im a great sniper and even with a CZ i can protect you at 750+ moving targets.

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Age: 25.

steam name: gimmiedatgaup

how long have you played: Been playing DayZ since the beginning of june. Experience beyond that with ACE mod.

Timezone: EST.

equipment you currently have: M107/AS50 (in tent)/M9SD/M4CCO SD/Medical supplies/NVGs/GPS/Rangefinder.

Figured i'd post some strengths/info about my playstyle.


-Up to speed on real world tactics. (Serve in the army as a SDM)

-Calm in hectic situations and not afraid to float around major kill zones.

-Know when to hit the kill switch and when to be passive.

-Confirmed kills of up to 800+ Meters.

-Knowledgeable on milldots and kentucky windage and can adjust fire quickly.

-Work with a 2 man sniper/spotter team usually. Sometimes with a 3rd bringing up rear security.

-If i'm going to post up at a spot i always set up a shot card prior to engagements with points of interest on the card with distances for quick adjustments on the fly.

-Love to counter snipe. And wait other people out.

-Noise and light discipline is a must around me. Cant have you stomping around and waving lights like a complete idiot.

-Like to maintain 360 security at all times.

-Tough skin and open to a crude sense of humor.

-Love to sit back and bull shit with people.

Edited by MisfitOEF
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Age: 18

steam name: Mattdbx

how long have you played: 2 months

Timezone: EST

equipment you currently have: I currently have all necessary equipment in the game, across multiple tents, on multiple servers. My character right now is wearing a ghillie suit, an alice, and an enfield because I'm hunting snipers on dobryy and bringing the loot back to my assorted campsites.

In addition: I'm a total bandit, I enjoy hunting other players, I enjoy the thrill...the adrenaline...the shakes...the anticipation...the anxiety. The first time I got into a firefight, killed an enemy player and looted his (much better) stuff, all these things were coursing through me...I knew a bandit's life was the life for me. I don't always adhere to the strict bandit code, of...killing only for loot. I'll kill you if I don't like your name, I'll kill you if you're at the wrong place at the wrong time, I'll kill you if you have a weapon, I'll kill you if I feel like killing you. So possibly sociopath would be a better title XD. I don't fear dying in this game, I don't care if I die, but I'm taking you with me. If I can't I'm sure going to try. I enjoy organized squad work, I joined my current clan because they advertised a military style efficiency and bloodlust...and it turned out to be 3-4 active (3-6 more inactive) teens with social stigmas. I'm not going to betray them in any way, and if you ask for their secrets I will not tell you. they did nothing wrong, I simply felt my time there had run it's course.

Whoever appeals to the law against his fellow man is either a fool or a coward. Whoever cannot take care of himself without that law is both. For a wounded man shall say to his assailant, "If I live, I will kill you. If I die, you are forgiven." Such is the rule of honor.

Edited by Zeux

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Age: 23

steam name: boredum

how long have you played: been playing for 2 weeks. Quick learner though.

Timezone: western

equipment you currently have: recently died by a sniper. Makes for another good reason to roll with a group.

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steam name: Fairwell

how long have you played: long time

Timezone: central

equipment you currently have: just got killed by thunder dome. Don't expect hand outs. I'll find my own shit.

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Age: 27

steam name: I don't play DayZ through steam

how long have you played: brand new to DayZ but not to high level competitive clan games.

Timezone: Eastern Standard Time

equipment you currently have: AK47, AS50 Sniple Rifle, M1911, Spotters, binocs, map, compus, etc

I have a grasp of mildots and how to calculate sniper shots and I am improving with my calculations. As you can tell from my loot, while new I'm already successful at raiding. I come from a game that I spent hundreds of hours mastering. It was a PvP game but the cost became ridiculous ($10K to max out player) so I found DayZ. Looking for an older group of peers to play with. Shoot me your team speak info if your interested and I'll come hang out.

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Age: Nine and a half.

Steam name: Nɇwbie

How long have you played: Something along the lines of 17 minutes.

Timezone: GMT-4

Equipment you currently have:



3x Frag Grenade

1x Water Bottle

1x Painkillers

1x Meat


4x M9SD Mag

4x Bandages



Military Flashlight



Hunting Knife





Backpack (Coyote)


4x DMR Mag

2x Morphine

2x Blood bag

2x Water Bottle

2x Meat

2x Painkillers

I am quite notably immature, although my maturity - or rather lack of - stops short within the evident circumstance of a lack of microphone and ultimately the software installation experience to establish the installation of the program referred to as "Teamspeak"; furthermore, whilst I assure you my first and only language is German, I also assure you that my familiarization of the Google Translate tool is little more than slacking. Likewise, I also add to my assurances that I am definitely active, having played a total of two minutes since my purchase of the game.

thanks for bumping my thread with a completely useless post. you've done mankind a favor and now its time for you to take a nap...a very long nap.

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steam name:neo1793

how long have you played:a month

Timezone: gmt -7

equipment you currently have: ak47, m1911. Died recently. Had m107, mk 48, nvg range finders the works.

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Steam name: Thunderfists

How long I've played: 2 months

Time zone: Pacific time

Equipment: none right now recently died gearing up atm though.

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thanks for bumping my thread with a completely useless post. you've done mankind a favor and now its time for you to take a nap...a very long nap.

Does that mean I'm accepted? For all I know, you can be using some slang-variant of reverse psychology on me. Mind you, my application both took a considerably lengthy period of time to procure and was entirely serious; thus, I wouldn't particularly consider it "useless" nor a "favor to mankind" - in the off-chance scenario that you happen to not be using a quite rude variant of reverse psychology.

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Age: 33

steam name:Oninohiro

how long have you played: About a week or so

Timezone: Mountain, Arizona

equipment you currently have: M24, 1911, Rangefinder, Ghillie suit.

I have knowledge real world tactics, on how to stalk, snipe and counter-snipe.

I have provided overwatch several times for friends raids.

I like to roll as a three man team. Shooter, spotter, and security

I rather be the shooter, but I do not mind being the spotter.

Right now I'm looking for a good group of people that plays regularly.

My motto is that no one gets left behind, and that the life of my squad is more important then mine.

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Age: 25.

steam name: gimmiedatgaup

how long have you played: Been playing DayZ since the beginning of june. Experience beyond that with ACE mod.

Timezone: EST.

equipment you currently have: M107/AS50 (in tent)/M9SD/M4CCO SD/Medical supplies/NVGs/GPS/Rangefinder.

Figured i'd post some strengths/info about my playstyle.


-Up to speed on real world tactics. (Serve in the army as a SDM)

-Calm in hectic situations and not afraid to float around major kill zones.

-Know when to hit the kill switch and when to be passive.

-Confirmed kills of up to 800+ Meters.

-Knowledgeable on milldots and kentucky windage and can adjust fire quickly.

-Work with a 2 man sniper/spotter team usually. Sometimes with a 3rd bringing up rear security.

-If i'm going to post up at a spot i always set up a shot card prior to engagements with points of interest on the card with distances for quick adjustments on the fly.

-Love to counter snipe. And wait other people out.

-Noise and light discipline is a must around me. Cant have you stomping around and waving lights like a complete idiot.

-Like to maintain 360 security at all times.

-Tough skin and open to a crude sense of humor.

-Love to sit back and bull shit with people.

Sounds like we may have shared the same travel agent lol

Edited by Oninohiro

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so far so good recruitment going as planned got quiet a bit of new members :lol:.

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Age: 23

steam name: Gooseguy312

how long have you played: Been playing for over a month now.

Timezone: EST

equipment you currently have: Currently have an mk-48 mod 0, L85 thermal, and a few satchel charges.

Definetly interested in joining a tactical squad/clan so get back to me if you have any roles open for assault/close combat (What i prefer).

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we need more people :o we are trying to get as many active members to be on during the day and some people for night time that way you never feel alone.

Edited by sushirokun

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any other questions please post on the newer thread for clan recruitment.

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Age: 19

steam name: jajacakes

how long have you played: around 2 weeks

Timezone: est

equipment you currently have: just died though i can get geared really quickly

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