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NW Airfield Assist to friends first Kill

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So me and my friend PretzelGuy1 were at the NW airfield when we started to loot the radio tower, When we found a mp5SD I already had a Silenced Weapon so I told him to take it while he put his LMG in his pack. We Started to pack up and head to one of the barracks when suddenly We spotted a person with an AK I told my friend I Saw him in the fourth hangar to the Fire station We waited for him to leave the hangar so we could shoot him. Me personally im a bad shot. So he came out and we started shooting missed about two shots out of 3 and he went in the hangar My friend went after him! When I told him to be careful entering the hangar he ran in when the person was no longer there >:( he Alt F4 So we were like oh well so we waited in the hangar to see if he came back surely enough about 20 minutes he was there I shot him he started to bleed! So I went around the hangar and my friend went the other way when i was behind the hangar my friend asked Are you bandaging yourself I replied quickly NO NO NO SHOOT!!!! Then In chat Mr.Giggles Died... It was Pretzelguy's First kill he was happy :) the person had a couple things we could loot water bottles matches nothing else really. I asked my friend if he felt bad cause When I first had my kill i felt somewhat bad He said Nope. I asked why he said he alt f4 why would I. I laughed then we logged off and Played another game to relive to tension. :) Server: US 45 Our Home server!

Edited by MarceloTheClown
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He left the server after that. We left his body there with everything but his water bottle and matches, he could've gotten his stuff back.

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He left the server after that. We left his body there with everything but his water bottle and matches, he could've gotten his stuff back.

And that makes it okay to kill him? Next time you kill somebody, take what you need from him, then hide the body.

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