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Respawn at the beach and gear loss

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I'm having this problem as well, I spawned half dead and without any of my gear, luckily managed to find food and make it to Electro where I could serverhop the supermarket and get myself back up to 12,000 blood from less than 4000, which I don't have to tell you, takes a reeeally long time, after I finished I logged off and when I came back I lost it all again.

I don't see the point of playing DayZ if I'm just going to lose my items randomly.

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Just an observation, but if you are spawning on the coast WITH your gear, it is a result of the hive trying to spawn you in the debug. This is a fix Rocket made because it's a long run back to the map. Unfortunately what appears to be happening to myself and many others is that we are getting killed in the debug before we can be moved to the coast. We get the you are dead screen, and then re-loaded onto the coast without any gear but our original stats intact prior to death. Interestingly enough, I was able to pack a tent that I put down before my debug death.

Because of this issue, I have spent the last two weeks playing on private hive servers and have not had a problem at all. Must be a hive issue, and something to do with the tweak from the last hot fix about collecting less information from players.

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Same thing happened to me, but I found out that a hacker had taken all my gear of me...

Probably a hacker got you too

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Happened to me too, logged in today and was standing at the beach with no gear at all, hungry and thirsty with a guile suit. I DONT WANNA

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Is there a connection between ghillies suits and it happening?

I've got a ghillie and it's happened to me twice, I've seen a few others saying they had ghillies as well.

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Happened to me without a ghillie too on DE 2028

It said "this server will stop in...." then I got unlogged. I then logged onto another server and got the death message. I relogged and spawned at a beach with NO gear, not even a rucksack. I kept my stats though and my blood.

Edited by John O´John

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Same thing just happened to me. Lost literally all my gear, including flashlight. Everything is gone. I'm taking a break from this game. Lost all my gear that was stored in a truck after a server restart, and now this. The frustration now clearly outweights the fun of playing this game for me.

Edited by McWut

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Same bug here to ! That's so f*cking annoying I had a M107 rifle, revolver and also a glock >< I leave in a week with no gaming computer for several months... A lot a people are issuing this bug WHY IS IT NOT FIXED YET ???

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Happened to me today, logged into SP1 and ended up in the degbug plain with no gear. Decided to quit and try another server, and ended up spawning on the coast without my AS50, NVG's and all the other things a 20 day player would be expected to have.

Has anyone tried to kill themselves? I remember there was a bug a while back that reset my character, but when i got killed and joined another server I returned to my previous character in its original location.

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Just happened to me as well. Logged into my server pretty late at night, only 2-3 on the server, and got the death message before even loading in. No biggie, but when I respawned on the coast, I maintained all of my original stats (days alive, bandits killed, etc), and lost all of my gear. Didn't even spawn with default gear like the backpack, flastlight, and so on. I aborted hoping it was just a bug that would auto-correct itself with a server restart, but nope. Log on the next day in the day-time and see that I still have my guille suit...

Here we go again, I guess.

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Honestly. I'm tired of this shit. This happens once daily for me. And you can guess it just happened a few minutes ago as well. I gather all my gear so meticulously and tediously only to lose it all the next time I log in. Not exaggerating, this happens to 20% of the servers I join. I have to cross my fingers every time. I hop servers sometimes to avoid lag (which is another issue in itself), and even on my favorite servers this happens. I'm officially quitting this poor excuse of a game until all of these countless game-breaking glitches are repaired (the tents and vehicles too. what a joke. no wonder everyone dm's) which is probably not for a long while as their efforts are now diverted to developing the standalone game. I feel like a total sucker for buying arma just for dayz, and believe me I am. Don't get me wrong this game was fun when I was actually playing with my friends and not staring at the loading screen, but when it daily takes away the fruits of hours of scavenging, I feel compelled to flip my shit by the fifth time I spawn dead in a week. I've lost all patience. I know this game's in alpha but at least have some functionality that's promised in the damn game description.

by the way I did not have a ghillie suit

Also the funny thing is that all of my deaths in the past week are due to this issue. It's almost like it's a feature of the game, having a chance to spawn dead for added difficulty. Besides all the other absolutely ridiculous ways to kill yourself with menial tasks like opening a gate, standing on a rock, or walking around in narrow spaces. Actually getting shot and killed seems so alien to me now. The objective of this game should be: "see how long you can survive until you randomly lose all your shit. then start over."

Edited by kevinyoki2

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I have had this happen once, and only once in the month I've been playing. The thing that pops out at me that might be the root cause is, I went on a tour outside the bounds of the map tent hunting.

This was the first time I've ever done that. I traveled across most of the top of the map, and came back down to the NW airfield, spending at least a solid half an hour back on the map before I logged. I logged back into the same server the next day and saw 'Wiley was killed' and respawned on the coast naked. I wasn't using a ghillie at the time.

Maybe it was a coincidence, but that was the one thing that was different from every other play session I've had, and it was the one time I've had the 'spawn on coast naked' thing.


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Happen to me just a minutes ago on PL7.

I was running north thorough the forest west of Sosnovka (so you can say it was close to edge of map too). Suddenly got pop-up "you were kicked (...)" (do not remember exact text). Then when I re-loged I was in debug plains with broken leg. So I log out and log in on different server (PL3) just to find out I'm on the cost without any gear (even typical starting stuff).

On a side note: stats where not reseted so no it looks like I killed 4 zombies with bare hands. :P

Edited by Dyrek

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The only solution :

Find your body on the server where you spawned in wilderness. All your gear should be there.

Your body is standing on the position u logged out before the bug.


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This issue been happening to me like 6 times now in one week. Usually characters "rollback" happens to me after i go servers where i face massive lag (my CPU is fine) After few low ping but laggy servers i join "good" server, and whola... im at outlane or "killed" or and at the beach.. One time i spawned to the outlane instantly from running and get killed.. When i started to search the answer for this problem i noticed that if servers "minimum" ARMA version is exact or near to my current ARMA version, this issue happens more likely... dont know if that matters, but after i start to update my ARMA version regulary with DayZ commander and replace my ArmA2OA and arma2oaserver .exes from folder Steam\steamapps\common\arma 2 operation arrowhead with same .exes from folder Steam\steamapps\common\arma 2 operation arrowhead\Expansion\beta EVERY TIME AFTER UPDATE i finally get game stable... and i been running it at several servers with several ARMA versions with success and no lag or other bugs 2 DayZ days for now on. I hope this helps me and others until we get out from Alpha.

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Had this happen to me about 1/2 an hour ago. Logged in, ended up in the plains of nowhere, logged back out, logged back in to one of my favourite serverse...spawned in with my cammo clothing...but no weapons or gear. And I had that assault rifle that could be zeroed, and could alternate between thermal and night vision >.<

Ahhh well.

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Im so Sick of this bug ima puke. Every Time i mean EVERY FUCKIN time i get geared and live very long i die on login and lose every thing. whats the point in playing if the game steals my shit and slings me back to the beach every other day. Seriously 2 weeks of playing this game since i bout arma 2 for day z ive been thunderdomed 10 times or so. shot down by multiple helies that cannot even be according to 1 hele per server and bugged out to debug planes opon login god knows how many times .

WTF Rockit? cant you fix this ?

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This happened to me yesterday, i was at the airfield at night and had that weird graphical glitch happen to me. Found some good gear(2xNVG's, Coyote pack, and MK 48 MG) a few minutes later i get shot at and decide to run into one of the hangars and take the cowards way out, and log out (since i can't in any way fight back). I join another server, run into the woods to log out for a break, try rejoining later and get stuck in the "Setup completed please wait" state. So i decided to try and join some other servers with no success. Then i found out that you could join DE 187 i think it was, and it fixed it but i was back at the beach with nothing, so i thought it was just a small glitch i go to bed. The next day i joined one of my usual servers and i have nothing except my stats, not even a backpack or flashlight. I woulkd have been ok with it if i were killed by a zombie or player, but it makes me mad because it is so unfair that a glitch can undo all my hard work.

They really need to prioritize fixing this, because it does not even seem uncommon. Please fix this guys.

Edited by Badjoe

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This bug seems to be an very big upcomming problem :/

...i'm a bit afraid to log into the game atm because of this...same bug by a squadmember of me :S

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Yesterday it happened to me and I then went on with new hero and loaded up with stuff and then today when I logged in the new guy was gone and the original guy was back where he was yesterday with everything on him. I then later logged out and then when I came back I was in lahlah land wilderness with nothing. I can't click respawn because its greyed out.

Please put my guy back in the game with a few of the items I have lost by glitches




ghillie suit




hunting knife

1911 is ok and plenty of ammo and food

please include a couple mountain dew

and keys to my new heli and where its located



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Same thing here found my body but I logged out in the prone under a pine and now can't take anything from my old body is there a trick to this or am I screwed

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