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Please Explain inventory

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I have managed to get a grip on transferring items from bag to inventory without losing anything. My issue now is that if I find an item and put it in my bag I am very regularly not seeing it in my bag when I relog. This has happened to an as50 atleast 4 times. Basically I had a gun in my bag and swapped it for an as50 on someones corpse. I then waited in the server for atleast 10 minutes after picking it up. I log back on later and I have the old gun I had previously swapped for the as50. My actual inventory shows the as50 ammo I took because its on my character. The items in my bag just seem to revert to what I had prior to looting the corpse. Any idea how to stop this from happening? Is there a trick to get the server to save my items in the bag? Its growing frustraiting to say the least.

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Give it about 5 minutes to save your inventory after you move an item

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I had a similar glitch although for me it was my primary weapon. I had about 4 different primary weapons and everytime I logged I lost them. When the character died so did the problem so it must have been a glitch with the character/the character's database entry on the hive.

Try putting all your gear in a tent and then respawning.

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Server lag could also be a cause. Lag to the hive on the weekend might also be the issue. Just hang out longer. Play the game. Don't jump from server to server.

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