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Instant dead when joining server

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I idin't find an actual topic to this so iam opening one for my problem:

For few hours now iam always dead when my character has been loaded and the life symbol is flashing.

Also a big digital hourglass is in the middle of the screen (game window).

I have really no idea how to fix this...i can't play...


Edited by Hazup

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Well the digital hourglass is the games way of saying you are unconsious. Sometimes this lasts a few seconds, but I have experienced 15 minutes. Sometimes when you spawn you get auto-hurt, which is just a glitch. Or someone is simply spawn camping. But I would think after a few attempts you would spawn an unguarded place. Respawning is really the only option here till it fixes. You will need to wait out to hourglasses white to be completely black. After that you should regain unconsiousness, if you are bleeding then you probably will die before it runs out. If not then go find food to regain blood.

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Well, if this is still happening, he's clearly bugged out. Look at his blood count.

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The blood count is flashing. Just a pic. moment...

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The waiting time beeing unconscious is takes very long for now...1/5 within 30mins...

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